Handy accessory header
Posts: 3,517
Hey everyone!
What do you think about these headers? They would allow any P2 add-on board to be plugged into a breadboard.
Maybe there are other (non-P2) boards that could use these too.
Anyone think these are useful?
I stumbled across a small bag of them - if anyone with a postal address in Europe would like some just pm me! No charge.
They look useful, any part number/description or other manufacturer info on them, so us folks in the states could track some down?
They were custom made for a job. Maybe I could figure out an economic way to send some over to the states - perhaps Parallax would stock them to cover the MOQ - I'll ask Ken.
If Ken doesn't want to stock them, I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount to get some to have on hand. Let us know how it goes...> @VonSzarvas said:
If Ken doesn't want to stock them, I would be willing to pay a reasonable amount to get some to have on hand here in the states. Let us know how it goes...
Von? Are they 40 pin headers? Or some oddball size? I can think of a use that's not a P2 use, in fact it's for a Pi Zero, one without headers installed. They started making available the ones with Wireless installed a little while ago, but we all know now why they are hard to find.
Four mascots.
They are 12 pin headers that are usable with the P2 accessory boards, see the images in the first thread.