P2 and GPS (SIM33EAU module)

in Propeller 2
I thought I've seen some sort of announcement for a tutorial or example code of how to use the SIM33EAU GPS module together with the P2, recently. But I can't find it anymore. I have no idea if it was here in the forum, in a newsletter email or somewhere else on the internet.
Am I dreaming or has anybody else also seen this?
(Note to myself: If you see something interesting, always set a bookmark, next time)
-- https://www.parallax.com/p2-rtc-add-on-with-gps-module/
There's a standalone version too...
Thank you Jon and Michael! That's exactly what I was looking for.
I wonder how I found it the first time. I've searched all my emails and the forum for "GPS" and "SIM33EAU" but all I got were very old messages from 2021 and 2019. Even my own discussion (this one) doesn't show up in the search although it has both keywords in the title and content. It's the newest so it should show up right at the top.
The forum search engine is definitely broken.
Here I have a gps/nmea sourcecode in C , run under Linux.
gps.c is the main.
A testfile with NMEA Data is included, for test.
Hope it is usefull.