Super Tiny Fonts on the P2

Here are the code and dithered fonts I was showing on the P2 Live Forum:
This generates 1080p video in portrait mode using Y-Pb-Pr signalling, or "component video". I'm using the P2 A/V Board, followed by a $20 Component-to-HDMI converter from Amazon.
This is the near-smallest font, only 3x4 pixels per character, plus one pixel line for descenders:
This is the biggest font, 5x7 pixels per character:
any chance to do that with HDMI/VGA/composite to use with a P2 without a Adapter?
I could make it VGA or HDMI at 640x480.
640x400 is decent fit with widescreens and is well supported in monitors and newer TVs. TVs older than about 2013 not so much.
Likewise for 960x540.
Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I'm not sure how well aging eyes will be able to read super tiny fonts at 1080p...
It's not a font size you could easily work at, but it is useful for zooming and panning to rapidly navigate code.
Chip, these are two bit color fonts that you alpha blend with the background color, correct? I want to make sure my mind is right about how to think about it. I want to use these in my SSD1331 display driver (96x64 OLED) and think I can lift some of you code to drop directly into mine.
I've just started on an ST7789 driver and was thinking the same thing.
That is correct, Terry.
With gamma correction?
In Visual Studio, it used to annoy me, but I have grown to realize it very useful. I'm talking about the iconic script version to the right of the program IDE.
Hi @cgracey ,
Did you decide yet about maybe replacing some of the color bits with feature bits, such as underline, strike, bold, invert, etc...
(Sure, appreciate it's less relevant for the super-tiny font, other than maybe a consistent api...?)
A half-size font would be useful at 640x480. Instead of say 7x16 pixel chars (in 8x19 or 8x20 cells), they could be 3x8 chars (in 4x9 or 4x10 cells). More height compared to 3x4 + 1 font would improve legibility.
Here are the binary fonts.
Thanks @cgracey !!!