Flexspin and matlab/octave, the (for me) ideal combination.

in Propeller 2
For various experiments I like to use the free matlab clone octave.
In my opinion, it is ideally suited for developments for the P2.
Everything can be done in a closed environment.
From the editor with C syntax highlight, simulation on PC, compile, download and communication via the USB interface, all without leaving the octave - platform.
A few screenshots as an example.
Interesting idea. If Octave can receive data from a connected P2, it can (post)process and analyze data, draw plots, etc.
This is nice!
Basicly can Octave send and receive data from/to the P2 board, with the Serial package.
The problem is here, if I leave the loadp2 for reconnect with the Serial object from octave, the running program is lost, because the power line is for short time broken.
I use the P2 Eval board.
solution 1: redirect the output from terminal into a file a la loadp2 ............ > data.txt and load and analyze this file. (easy)
solution 2: load the binary with the Serial object to P2 and substitute the loadp2. (not so easy(for me))
Thank you, Reinhard,
for posting this!
I have been using P2+Taqoz+Teraterm+notepad++ together with Anaconda distribution of Python with matplotlib and numpy libraries. I will have a look at your path. It is interesting, that the old battle "Which is the best computer language?" has moved to "Which environment has got the most helpful libraries, that you can use?"
That's also true at any level. Which operating system to use? Why, the choice is clear, the one that runs all the applications you require and is likely to make you the most productive. I use all your applications + LabView which is free for community projects. It's also a RAD which suits a single person 'team'. I've tried Octave and Scilab, they're RAD too, you get to where you want to be quickly and designed for and by experimenters.
I'm surprised that spreadsheets haven't morphed into experiment controllers, as the analysis and graphing are automatic as the data comes in. A natural fit as a backend.
Now I receive data from P2.
A small work was to do, because octave accept only numbers (see comment in screenshot)
my octave testbench growed up.
I develop a tiny DSP - Library.
A typical unit test looks like this: