Logic Graphical DEBUG Displays
Posts: 43
I'm trying out the new Logic Graphical DEBUG Displays in P2.
Unfortunately I'm missing something. I get the graphic, but no lines
{Object_Title_and_Purpose} CON _clkfreq = 180_000_000 PUB Collector() | cs, clk, sdo, sdi, index debug(`LOGIC MyLogic TITLE 'CANBUS I/O' SAMPLES 256 'Index' 1 gray 'CLK' 1 ORANGE 'CS' 1 MAGENTA 'SDO' 1 RED 'SDI' 1 BLUE) repeat index += 1 CLK := index // 2 CS := trunc(getrnd()) // 4 SDO := trunc(getrnd()) // 4 SDI := trunc(getrnd()) // 4 debug("`MyLogic ", udec_(index), sdec_(CLK, CS, SDO, SDI))
D'oh! it was formatting on the last line
debug(`MyLogic `udec_(index, CLK, CS, SDO, SDI))