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Bad pixel in 16bpp QVGA driver — Parallax Forums

Bad pixel in 16bpp QVGA driver

Working again on OV2640 camera and having some better luck.

For testing, I have the camera outputting 16bpp QVGA (320x240) data.
I have this driver here that shows this image on VGA monitor.

The driver cuts the regular VGA pixel rate in half and then shows every line twice.
In this way, monitor thinks it is full VGA image, even though only QVGA.

Only problem that I have is that the top right pixel in the image is always black, when it shouldn't be.
Not seeing what is causing this...

Here's a test program that shows a static bird image with that bad pixel:


  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,996

    Dug up an old 8bpp example of this. Seems didn't notice problem before because image was not full screen.
    Interestingly, it is not the top-right pixel that is bad here, it's the pixel to the left of it.

  • pik33pik33 Posts: 2,407

    May be rdfast+xcont timing problem. I had glitches with these instruction in my video drivers too. What if move these rdfast to add time between rdfast and xcont?

                    mov     x,TopBlanks                   'top blanks
                    call    #blank
                    mov     m_buf,ptrb
                   ------> ' add rdfast here
                   rdfast  ##640*1/64,m_buf
                    mov     x,AsmVisible                  'set visible lines
    line            call    #hsync                  'do horizontal sync
                   ' -----> remove rdfast from here
                    xcont   m_rf,#0                 'visible line
                    call    #hsync                  'do horizontal sync
                    xcont   m_rf,#0                 'visible line
                    add     m_buf,##320*2
                   '------->  add rdfast here
                    rdfast  ##640*1/64,m_buf
                    djnz    x,#line                 'another line?
                    mov     x,BottomBlanks                  'bottom blanks
                    call    #blank
                    drvnot  vsync                  'sync on
                    mov     x,#2                    'sync blanks
                    call    #blank
                    drvnot  vsync                  'sync off
                    jmp     #field1                  'loop
  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,996

    Fix was to replace:
    rdfast ##640*1/64,m_buf
    rdfast #0,m_buf

    No idea why that should make any difference though...

  • Because the ## needs an extra 2 clock AUGD overhead perhaps?

  • Maybe your buffer wasn't long-aligned?

  • Looking at your code, indeed. IIRC the DAT block is inherently long aligned, but you're adding an offset of 54 that isn't divisible by four to get past the BMP header (why? just use actual raw data)

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,996

    @Wuerfel_21 Thanks, that might help explain some of this. I find this in the docs:

    If you intend to use wrapping, your hub start address must be long-aligned (address ends in %00), since there won't be an extra cycle in which to read/write a portion of a long in an extra hub RAM slice. In cases where you don't want wrapping, just use 0 for the block count, so that wrapping won't occur until the entire 1MB hub map is sequenced through.

    I guess I can move the bitmap data to be long aligned at see what happens then.

  • Just add a word 0 before the file into the dat block...

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,996

    @Wuerfel_21 You were right, adding the word 0 fixed it.

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