c++ prop 2

in Propeller 2
Is there an instruction like this in p2 c in flex prop or other: fdserial_rxChar
How to do it in fullduplexserial for p2?
Catalina wraps such serial functions in a library (in the case of the 2 port serial driver it is libserial2). If you look in the include file "catalina_serial2.h" you will see functions like:
I'm sure the other C compilers would be similar. Here is a complete C test program:
I have a serial library that works with flex prop that can do just that.
P2 Custom Libraries for Flex Prop
In FlexC you can include Spin objects, and use them:
Or if you use the standard serial port to the PC, do it with the standard-IO lib:
Thanks for the information. I will look at it. Been busy.
I found your libraries on github. My assumption is to extract to include file for flexprop. Second where, since you have a lot of libraries is the rx_char equavalent located. I did not see a quick list of the types of libraries.
Thanks in advance.
@pilot0315 ,
So you clicked on the green button on github and picked the last option which was to download a zip file. Then extract that zip file to where you want it and it will create a folder called P2Custom-main. Then you go into flexprop and select file and Library directories and add that path.
In your program you just add an #include "serial.h" and your good to go.
There are sample programs in P2Custom in libsamples, just look for the libserial folder.
Not a very good example.
I use Visual Studio Code because it shows me all the options of the function I want to use.

If you don't want all that code you only need to copy the serial.h and libserial folder. Flexprop will only use functions that are used by your program.
I am trying desperately to get VSC to work had to delete flexprop completely something was wrong.
Thanks. Got the file in and opened. Will be working on it.
Still trying to intergrate VSC. The quick bytes have broken links and am trying to follow what I can from Marco, not easy.
Since I only code in C and don't use the setup from Marco.
I use this task to compile my programs:
I like to compile my programs in a build folder so that it's not adding files to the source directory. Works great with flexprop.
I use this task to run the program using com5:
But I like to use WiFi so I have a custom WiFi loader:
I setup this configuration for working with the source code in C:
Hi Martin, when you have a moment could you share the page (or pages) with the bad links please?
I'll get them fixed up pronto!
Looks like missing videos to do the process. Tried Youtube, no luck. I assume the process is straight forward but I can't follow the steps without the missing? videos.
If I am missing something please let me know.
Thanks in advance.
Could you take one of the above and add some comments so that I can follow.
Something curious afoot! I see all the videos at that link, starting at Step 3.
Could your browser, ad-blocker, IP filter (etc..) or firewall be blocking the links/feeds somehow ?
For testing, here's a direct link to one of the videos from that page:

-- https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks
I have used edge, internet exlorer, firefox and water fox and get the same issue.
One of them should prove good.
No avail.
I will turn off all firewalls and stuff and try again.
-- https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/tasks
too complicated and no help. Not understanding what that link does.
I am looking millimeter by millimeter not kilometer by hectar.