How do you read Wiegand Keypad?
Hello all. I have a Prop 1 controller with a special request to add a standard 26B Wiegand keypad for code only access, no card. 4-6 digits. The idea is to have on the controller side some method via GUI or Menu on my P1 board to set the code length ie 4 digits, and have the ability to create a few different codes. ie 1234 for some, 5678 for others. Looking at all the Wiegand access control panels, it is not a simple matter to find out even how to buy a keypad and controller that can be configured how I need: read the codes from the keypad, if a known code comes in, trigger a normally open contact, 500millisecond duration. Many wont do pin only. I am ok getting a third party controller to work with the keypad options the end users want to use.
Any suggestions on this?
The attached object will do the trick. I used it to create card & keyboard reader on the P1 while working at a cyber-security firm a few years ago. We used it with this RFID/Keypad combo to read cards and the keys.
Everything is returned from the background PASM as a bit stream. Keys are treated as individual entities of 4 bits, so you'll have to create code in your app that either uses an ending key (e.g., #) a timeout, or both to collect a string of key presses that you can interpret as a command.
Looking through the code, I can see a few areas to be improved, but as I don't have my reader handy, I don't want to change anything without testing. This code did work and we used it to read HID cards and accept keypad input.
Awesome Jon! I'll check this out. That would be slick to just have inputs on my existing board. I will study what a schematic needs to look like on the Prop side at the inputs.
On a board I have already built I had added some spare inputs for an I2C device, using an I2c Extender chip called P82B96TD,118 which allows I2C to run over long lines. I think that by experimenting with Pullups this may work as a nice buffer for the Wiegand, especially since there are no other spare inputs to use short of building a new board.