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What does "stand alone", "self hosted " P2 computer look like to you and how would you use it? - Page 2 — Parallax Forums

What does "stand alone", "self hosted " P2 computer look like to you and how would you use it?



  • I don't know about HC-05, I don't have one but I'm sure a decent BT module like, for example, this one BGM13P32F512GA-V2R from SiliconLabs can be made to suit the purpose. However I haven't tried that yet. On my to do list.

    1103 x 629 - 105K
  • The HC-05 may work, if you change the reset setting in PropTool to DTR+RTS, and build a reset circuit to use RTS. RTS is available on several Bluetooth modules. I may buy a few different ones an try it myself.

  • MaciekMaciek Posts: 681
    edited 2023-01-03 22:42

    This one is nice on paper, the BGM220PC22HNA. And what is even nicer, it comes with a dev board form too, BGM220-EK4314A that's cheaper and "ready for a spin". And it is new technology.

  • roglohrogloh Posts: 5,882
    edited 2023-01-04 00:59

    @Maciek said:

    I don't know about HC-05, I don't have one but I'm sure a decent BT module like, for example, this one BGM13P32F512GA-V2R from SiliconLabs can be made to suit the purpose. However I haven't tried that yet. On my to do list.

    I had a Roving Networks based Bluetooth serial board with RTS/CTS pins exposed which I thought would be useful for this but I found it was local flow control only, i.e. it didn't get controlled from the remote end, only by buffer occupancy levels inside the Bluetooth chip.

    Not sure if you'll be able to directly influence RTS remotely, but it's worth a try anyway, or maybe one of AT commands can do some IO pin control which is also connected through to the P2 reset. (I think the Arduino guys can use this method with the HC-05). If not, perhaps a break detection to reset circuit could be added...? It's just a LPF or one shot monostable. Either way though, this is not 100% compatible with existing P2 tools unfortunately. Probably no big deal if you are already using a non-PC device.

  • You don't need to mess with RESET. I wrote an XBee loader for the P1 disguised as a replacement for Full Duplex Serial. It monitors the serial input line for a "magic" sequence. When it sees that, it enters command mode, wherein things like program uploads and writes to EEPROM can be executed. The front-end runs under Windows and also includes my CLEAN tool for eliminating unused code prior to upload. The only caveat is that every program you upload has to include -- and activate -- the aforementioned serial object replacement.


  • This is the only one I have seen claim to do DTR over the air. Looks like it is based on the BTM-220. All of it is unobtainable, and even if you did find it, they want $100+. Ug. Seems like you would reprogram the ESP devices to deal with DTR with the many GPIO pins available.

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