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P2 HD Audio Add-on Set — Parallax Forums

P2 HD Audio Add-on Set

ElectrodudeElectrodude Posts: 1,670
edited 2022-11-03 04:38 in Propeller 2

I'm surprised I haven't seen any discussion here yet about the new P2 HD Audio Add-on Set announced in Ken's latest email newsletter.

I just ordered one. I had been designing a similar ADC board myself as part of a proof-of-concept for a product idea I have, but it seems Parallax has now saved me some of the trouble.


  • Hi,
    this audio quality ADC certainly opens up new possibilities of application for P2! (I had been looking, if I could hook up a module made for another processor.) It is great, that this comes with drivers too!
    If possible, it would be nice to hear, what you will do with it.

  • I was wondering if anyone else had been playing around with this. I got mine a few days ago, and I just recently had a chance to sit down and play around with it.

    I also downloaded the software written by Michael Mulholland.

    I connected the two boards to my "Johnny Mac" P2 development board, along with the Control module that came with the original P2 pack. I set the variables appropriately in the top CON section of the demo (to indicate which headers the boards were connected to), but when I compile & load to ram (F10), it seems to compile and load ok, but there's no sound (I have a mic & headphones hooked up), and pressing on the control buttons doesn't light their LEDs.

    I'm an experienced software dev but only new to hardware -- what are some steps I can take to figure out what's wrong here?

  • Hi,
    first I would load some simple code, that you know had worked. Some blinky thing. Just to make sure, that loading, power supply and such things are OK.
    Then I would try to output sound only, to make sure the output works. Toggling pins for a square wave.
    I often add some blinks at start to any code to know that the code has been downloaded and is starting.
    Good luck!

  • Check the main file to see which demo is being called. Maybe need to set the mic demo, and ensure mic plugged into relevant jack socket.

  • Also to note, the control pad only used with the looper demo.

  • Is this set (64014) planned to be available through distributors like Mouser, Digikey, any other, actually ?

  • cfoxcfox Posts: 16
    edited 2022-12-09 23:17

    @"Christof Eb." said:
    first I would load some simple code, that you know had worked. Some blinky thing. Just to make sure, that loading, power supply and such things are OK.
    Then I would try to output sound only, to make sure the output works. Toggling pins for a square wave.
    I often add some blinks at start to any code to know that the code has been downloaded and is starting.
    Good luck!

    Well, I'm not exactly sure what you mean -- I've been using this P2 Edge card for a while, so I know it works, and I was using the Audio board that came with the original P2 developer set (the octacgonal board wtih addons). And I know the johnny mac board works. What I don't know is if there is a problem with the new HD audio boards I got. Unfortunately there are only two example programs, with no documentation that are available for the board. I set the base pin for each of the modules I have connected (same way I set the base pin for the original audio board) but nothing happens. There's no indicator that it's working - no blinky lights on the boards themselves, no audio out, and the button board doesn't light up when I press it.

    Here's how I plugged it in: 1. I plugged the DAC board (the one with the headphone connector & icon) into the socket marked V00. 2. I plugged the button control board (4 buttons) into the next socket, labelled V08. 3. The ADC board, with the mic plug & icon into the third socket marked V16. Then in the file 64014_HDAudio_ADCtoDAC_Demo I set BASEPIN_ADC to 16, BASEPIN_DAC to 0 and BASEPIN_CONTROL to 8. These are the correct values, are they not?

    When I compile and load to RAM, it does so without complaint or error but I get no audio out.

    UPDATE -- after looking the code over more, I see that it was set up to read from the line, not mic. Also it was running the DemoLineIn() function. When I commented that out and used the DemoMicIn() it worked, so problem solved!

  • @cfox said:

    UPDATE -- after looking the code over more, I see that it was set up to read from the line, not mic. Also it was running the DemoLineIn() function. When I commented that out and used the DemoMicIn() it worked, so problem solved!

    Awesome. That seemed like the issue.

  • @Maciek said:
    Is this set (64014) planned to be available through distributors like Mouser, Digikey, any other, actually ?

    They'll both eventually pick it up.

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