180° Field of View Time-of-Flight sensor for the P2

In our past Live forum I presented a "fun" project I was working on which gang's 4 VL53L5CX sensors into a single 180° Field of View time-of-flight sensor run by one COG.
Here's my repo for the project: ironsheep/P2-VL53L5CX-time-of-flight-driver
If you want to follow along, I'm updating this page TURN-ON-180DegrFOVSensor.md as I'm having success in turning on the full sensor.
I've made progress since the live forum in turning on the full sensor group. This is getting fun!
Oh, also this project contributes two standalone drivers which are currently working:
- P2 Object for the VL53L5CX TOF sensor - code working, doc in progress
- P2 Object for the PCA8575 I2C I/O Port Expander - code working, doc complete, I think... ;-)
It's Alive! My concept for this sensor now has fully working hardware and driver code.
With a single COG driving it we can achieve:
The full description of my turning on the hardware and verifying operation is at TURN-ON 180Degr FOV Sensor page in my repo.
It’s a very interesting sensor.
Not sure I get it 100%, but looks like an array of laser pings.
Should be great for robots.
Hi Stephen,
lot of verbiage there but what about actual range/accuracy performance. Did I miss it?
I have been looking at this type of sensor but I need professional, rugged packaging. I'm thinking a Prop-1 and six of the following in serial mode:
@Mickster that detail is found in the sensor data sheets at the repo and at STMicro's website.
Hi Craig,
On this page:
The documentation of the drivers has been updated at the P2-VL53L5CX-time-of-flight-driver repository.
Of note are the documents describing the three individual P2 objects offered by the project:
... as you can pick and choose from these to use in your own projects.