Bluetooth HM-10
I bought this Bluetooth for $10 bucs from Amazon and it's great. Apple IOs capadable. A good app is BLE scanner for Iphone by bluepixel tech. if you just want Ibeacon try Air Tracker by maplelabs and Blue Fruit LE by Adafruit. Just pair it up with a Silabs or FTDI USB serial and setup the command mode. Realterm works pretty good for setup.
Think I'll grab a few
I picked-up a bunch of HC-05s and have been very impressed with the easy set-up and great performance but I think it might be wise to go with BLE
Got a link? I looked on Amazon and found several vendors when I searched for "Bluetooth HM-10".
Does it work with Android phones, or only iPhones?
Both. The data sheet even states in bold red about not changing one of the settings when using Android 4.3 due to an alleged Android 4.3 bug.
Sold by dsd tech Amazon choice $10.99. I only use IPhone Ios, works well with that.