Waveshare module with horizontal scroll [added demo vid and explained methods]
The ST7735S driver has a vertical scroll function, because I originally went with a landscape configuration of the LCD the vertical scroll now becomes a horizontal scroll. The scroll creates a cool looking effect and I have included it in an extension along with an improved method of dealing with strings.
link to extension : https://github.com/Jeff-Squared/pxt-18-tft
Makecode blocks:
(https://forums.parallax.com/uploads/editor/7i/duo1xsjnb4hi.jpg "")
This is a description of the two scroll blocks.
The first is "Scroll areas" which divides the display into 3 areas, the left area the right area and the center area which is also the rolling scroll area. The 3 areas should not exceed 160 pixels.
Second is Scroll pixels which takes a variable value that is incremented from the start to the end of the rolling scroll area at which point it is reset to the beginning. The amount by which this variable is incremented controls how long each scroill cycle takes or in other words speeds it up or slows it down.
The video shows a left and right window of 15 pixels which should leave a scrolling area of 130 pixels. The video shows Scroll pixels being incremented by 2 pixels
video link: