microbit + 1.8 TFT
Posts: 1,532
in micro:bit
This post is really only for demonstration purposes but if someone sees value in it and could perhaps have a use for this then we could expand the discussion and talk about some of the things we need to do to display graphics and text. I translated code from the Waveshare web site into a micropython version for the microbit. I have no previous experience with tft displays so if anyone out there has suggestions I am all ears.
The microbit is limited for this kind of application but I am able to display text, numerals and small images, its a little slow but maybe good for a message board or temperature indicator, information that is not changing too rapidly. The example at the following video is the microbit on board light meter.
I'd be interested in this
What's the part number for the screen? how much and where did you buy yours?
Where's your code repository (github)?
Would you want Python or Type Script code?
This is the link for the display, I got it quickly with no issues.
To get the best from the MicroBit and display I recommend using the combo with the Adafruit FRAM module
It would be micro python
The difference between Java script and micro python is that Java script runs SPI 3 or 4 times faster than python and the TFT I used was SPI protocol, but you are still able to get pleasing results from the TFT if you hold the limitations in your mind. I don't have the python code on git hub but there is a template class module at this link https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/174622/class-module-for-waveshare-lcd-utilities#latest.
There are explanations and also some sample code that you can test the module with, just keep an eye on which pins are used for communication