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Learning PASM2 and cordic! — Parallax Forums

Learning PASM2 and cordic!

I've been learning PASM to convert some math intensive routines over to PASM for improved speeds. In the process I've learned lots of new things and spent a lot of time digging into whatever documentation and examples I could get my hands on.
I wanted to share some of the things I learned that might help someone else who is new to P2 PASM.
First time creating new PASM code was difficult and figuring out each next step was pretty tedious and I wasn't proceeding very well. So I used SPIN to code the math routine first. This code was worked on until I was getting the expected output. I wrote the SPIN as a series of steps so I could break down the sequence and this was used as a guideline. Now I was writing out only a line of 2 of SPIN at a time, much easier to keep track of everything.
I coded the PASM using the same routine as the SPIN routine (might have been easier to create separate routines but this worked as I bounced back and forth between SPIN and PASM. Debug statements are after most SPIN code lines to match the SPIN values with the equivalent PASM values. If they didn't match or I got an error, then I had something new to learn about PASM!

pub GetXYLegPosition(femurA, tibiaA, coxaA, body):x1, y1 | f1, t1, c1, c2, femurL, tibiaL, coxaL, scale1, degree1, tmp1, step1, step2, step3, step4, step5, step6, step7, step8
  'calculate distances using angles in Forward Kinematics
  'input 3 leg angles and body from the floor distance
  'return leg Cartesian location in x,y coordinates
  'uses pr0-pr2 as additional temporary variable registers
  femurL := femurLength
  tibiaL := tibiaLength
  coxaL := coxaLength
            mov     f1, ##1800
            sub     f1, femurA
            mov     t1, tibiaA
            add     t1, femurA
            mov     c1, coxaA
            cmp     c1, ##900          wcz
      if_a  sub     c1, ##1800
            abs     c1, c1
            debug   (sdec(f1), sdec(t1), sdec(c1))

            mov     tmp1, femurL
            mul     tmp1, tmp1                                  'femurL squared
            mov     pr0, tibiaL
            mul     pr0, pr0                                    'tibia squared
            add     tmp1, pr0                                   'add values and store in tmp1
            mov     pr1, tmp1                                   'copy tmp1 over to pr1
            debug   (sdec(tmp1), sdec(pr1))
            mov     pr0, femurL
            mul     pr0, #2                                     'mult femurL by 2
            mul     pr0, tibiaL                                 'mult tibiaL by prev results, store in pr0
            debug   (sdec(pr0))

            mov     scale1, ##10000                             'cosine start
            mov     degree1, ##$80000000
            setq    #0
            qdiv    degree1, ##1800
            getqx   degree1
'            debug   (sdec(degree1))
            qmul    degree1, t1
            getqx   tmp1
'            debug   (sdec(tmp1))
            qrotate scale1, tmp1
'            debug   (sdec(scale1), sdec(tmp1))
            getqx   tmp1                                        'cosine value in tmp1
            debug   (sdec(tmp1))

            qmul    tmp1, pr0                                   'mult cosine by pr0
            getqx   tmp1                                        'store in tmp1
            qdiv    tmp1, ##10000                               'div by 10000 to get in right range
            getqx   tmp1                                        'store in tmp1
'            debug   (sdec(tmp1))
            sub     pr1, tmp1                                   'sub pr0 from pr1, result in pr1
'            debug   (sdec(pr1), sdec(pr0))
            qsqrt   pr1, #0                                     'take square root
            getqx   pr2                                         'store square root in pr2
'            debug   (sdec(pr2))
            mul     pr2, pr2                                    'square pr2
            mul     body, body                                  'square body height
            sub     pr2, body                                   'subtract values, store in pr2
            qsqrt   pr2, #0
            getqx   tmp1                                        'store value in tmp1
'            debug   (sdec(tmp1))
            add     tmp1, coxaL                                 'get total length, value of side from tip to femur pivot
'            debug   (sdec(tmp1))
            mov     degree1, ##$80000000                        'convert coxaA to value readable by pasm cordic
            setq    #0
            qdiv    degree1, ##1800
            getqx   degree1
            qmul    degree1, c1
            getqx   degree1                                     'degree1 is c1 coxaA ready for cordic
'            debug   (sdec(tmp1), sdec(degree1))
            qrotate tmp1, degree1
            getqx   x1
            getqy   y1
'            debug   (sdec(x1), sdec(y1))

  f1 := 1800 - 701 'femurAngle[n]
  t1 := 4 + 701 'tibiaAngle[n] + femurAngle[n]
  c2 := 1000
  c1 := c2
  if c1 > 900
    c1 := 1800 - c1                                     'convert angle to CCW rotation for math
  debug("Leg XY angle positions: Leg ", sdec(f1), sdec(t1), sdec(c1))
  'test faster calculations
  step1 := t1                                           'get angle
  step2 := (femurLength*femurLength) + (tibiaLength*tibiaLength)
  step3 := 2*femurLength*tibiaLength
  step4 := abs(qcos(10000,step1,3600))
  step5 := (step3 * step4)/10000
  step6 := step2 - step5
  step7 := sqrt(step6)
  step8 := sqrt((step7*step7) - (bodyz*bodyz))
  step1 := step8 + coxaLength
  step2 := abs(c1 * ($80000000 / 180))
  debug("c1 conversion: ", sdec_(step2))
  x1, y1 := polxy(step1, step2)
  if c2 < 900
    step3 := step3 * -1
  debug("Results: ", "Hypot: ", sdec_(step1), " angle: ", sdec_(step2), "  x: ", sdec_(x1), "  y: ", sdec_(y1))

Found a limitation of 16 registers (for variables) in PASM for a routine. This includes the variables passed to the routine, return values, and local variables. From the SPIN docs there are an additional 8 registers labeled pr0 through pr7 that can also be used for any purpose and don't count toward that 16 register limit.
Qrotate was interesting to figure out, there were several discussions about using it but little code that I could use. Getting the input angle into the right format was the hardest as I wanted to input 1/10 degree increments so scaling the value was required. Another thing that tripped me up for a while was multiplication sequences that exceeded 32 bits, a problem until I finally realized what was happening and scaled the values down enough to stay inside the 32 bit limit.
I really liked using qrotate to get sine and cosine by making the hypotenuse value = 1 or a scaled value!
The ability to use direct integer values using # in front of the value was great but when I tried that with a value >512 I got an error. Took a while but digging in the docs I finally found that ## allows number up to 32 bits.
I couldn't find much on qsqrt example wise, still don't know what the second input value is supposed to be but putting qsqrt value1, #0 works.
I looked but couldn't find a way to use the SPIN declared constants in PASM without using local variables in the routine.
This method worked well for me to keep me focused on using small steps and on the specific task I needed. I'm sure this is a long way around for the experienced PASM coders out there but it worked well in my case.
Next item is to use a variety of angle inputs to make sure it doesn't break and work to see if there is any way to simplify and speed up the routine. I know cordic routines can be stacked but the way I am using them the results of one cordic is needed for the next cordic so not sure that option is available to me here.
Suggestions for improvements are welcome and definitely let me know if I misstated something or have the wrong interpretation of what I saw.



  • @DiverBob said:
    I couldn't find much on qsqrt example wise, still don't know what the second input value is supposed to be but putting qsqrt value1, #0 works.

    The S input for SQRT is the upper 64 bits of the value to root, so indeed, zero is correct.

    (Unrelatedly, you never need to do SETQ #0, it defaults to zero)

    Also, you always want to try to get as many instructions as you can inbetween the CORDIC command and getting the result. If you're daring you can even run multiple commands in parallel.

    Furthermore, I think you could eliminate a lot of the multiplies and divides if you changed your angle units to be based on powers of two instead of tenth degrees (i.e. what the CORDIC takes natively and also the only valid(tm) way to represent angles in a computer).

    I looked but couldn't find a way to use the SPIN declared constants in PASM without using local variables in the routine.

    Constants should just work. Just use them. Infact, PASM immediate values can be any constant expression (add x,#4+6*8 is perfectly valid).

  • I would have never thought of trying to do the math by hand, ouch. I have built a SCARA robot and a Hexapod and never once though about doing the math by hand. If I had to do the math by hand I would still be trying to figure out the SCARA math.

    Fortunately I program in C and all the angle and floating point math was done for me. I just had to figure out how to calculate the angle given two side of the triangle.

    I also limited my math to 1 degree as the servos are not that accurate and even though the stepper motors are 1 degree seem reasonable to me.


    PS: It also looks like SPIN could benefit from a math library.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2022-04-11 13:47

    Found a limitation of 16 registers (for variables) in PASM for a routine.

    Remember, your method arguments, local variables, and PASM have to be moved into the lower memory of the Spin interpreter cog to run. You might consider dividing the problem into smaller steps and then putting them into their own cog (all PASM) that you can call as needed. Also consider doing timing tests on your code. I have found in a couple of cases that native Spin2 is as fast or faster than moving code into the Spin interpreter and executing it on the fly.

    I looked but couldn't find a way to use the SPIN declared constants in PASM without using local variables in the routine.

    As Ada pointed out, inline PASM can use declared constants. In the pasm code the have to be prefaced with # or ## (if the value is > 511)

  • @JonnyMac said:
    Remember, your method arguments, local variables, and PASM have to be moved into the lower memory of the Spin interpreter cog to run. You might consider dividing the problem into smaller steps and then putting them into their own cog (all PASM) that you can call as needed. Also consider doing timing tests on your code. I have found in a couple of cases that native Spin2 is as fast or faster than moving code into the Spin interpreter and executing it on the fly.

    As Ada pointed out, inline PASM can use declared constants. In the pasm code the have to be prefaced with # or ## (if the value is > 511)

    Thanks for the suggestions! I learned about the limit on the number of registers in PASM because I I chose to code the PASM in the same routine as the SPIN, it was a good lesson to learn and forced me to do some looking in the SPIN docs which led me to learning about the PR0-PR7 registers as an option also.
    I’ll be trying out using the constants in the code, it didn’t work for me when I tried it initially, it may have been because the value was >511.

  • Keep in mind that inline PASM cannot use more than $123 registers in the cog, or you code will impinge on the interpreter's code.

  • I directly accessed the SPIN constants in PASM, not sure why it didn't work the first time I tried, must have been trying to use it in the wrong context. I also removed the setq #0 entry based on the info that the Q register is = 0 when initialized.
    Question, is there a way to access global variables in PASM? Can they only be passed to inline pasm via parameters?

  • Question, is there a way to access global variables in PASM? Can they only be passed to inline pasm via parameters?

    You can pass them as arguments to the method, or you could pass a base address and then read a collection of values from there.

  • @DiverBob said:
    I also removed the setq #0 entry based on the info that the Q register is = 0 when initialized.

    That's not quite right: Q will have some indeterminate value when entering your inline ASM. However, most instructions ignore the Q register if they aren't directly preceded by a SETQ.

  • @Wuerfel_21 said:

    @DiverBob said:
    I also removed the setq #0 entry based on the info that the Q register is = 0 when initialized.

    That's not quite right: Q will have some indeterminate value when entering your inline ASM. However, most instructions ignore the Q register if they aren't directly preceded by a SETQ.

    Thanks for the clarification

  • @JonnyMac said:

    Question, is there a way to access global variables in PASM? Can they only be passed to inline pasm via parameters?

    You can pass them as arguments to the method, or you could pass a base address and then read a collection of values from there.

    Thanks, I’ll try that out today. I will try out passing the base address, I believe I saw an example somewhere.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2022-04-13 04:07

    Just remember to advance your base address by the size of the variable you read. If compiling with Propeller Tool, you can mix longs, words, and bytes together -- the compiler doesn't re-order them. If you use FlexProp, though, the variables will be re-ordered (longs, then words, then bytes).

  • @JonnyMac said:
    If you use FlexProp, though, the variables will be re-ordered (longs, then words, then bytes).

    Not anymore, I don't think (was fixed quite a couple versions ago).

  • Thank you for letting me know that, Ada. I ran into troubles with FlexProp when reading a WAV file header from memory -- back then the variables were re-ordered which created a bit of trouble.

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