Propeller tool

@"Ken Gracey"
Hello I have a couple of questions.
1. When I attempt to write a program and include via obj the jm_fullduplexserial or the jm_fds I get the first error. When I uses an example code from the Prop tool no issue. I have loaded the latest version of the fjm_fullduplexserial to fix that old version problem. So when I use a canned example no issue. I cannot get it to work on my own stuff. This happens whether I am using a different file with everything in the file as is the examples downloaded from quick bytes and having replaced the old fds with the new.
2. What is this ansi code overwrite about how do I fix this?
What is the fix? I am stuck and cannot write any code from scratch with this issue.
Can you help please.
@"Ken Gracey"
I erased, deleted and killed everything for the prop tool. Registry cleaned and rebooted to get rid of the font .ttl error. Reinstalled Prop tool 2.6.3. Ran jm_format_strings_demo. Saved it under another name to a different file to test whether I can get the Jm_fullduplexserial to work from a different file. "x"ed out Prop tool and got this error which I have seen on the earlier versions of Prop tool.
The long explanation is outside my area of expertise.
I am having severe problems running the prop tool Please help
I didn't write Propeller Tool, so I cannot help you with crashes.
I ran that program out of my P2 project folder and out of the demos folder. Both worked fine.
I decided to use your code as a template and erase all of the code to start with something what works.
This is to see if that method would make a difference. The Prop tool crashed before I could try. I will attempt that in the morning and let you know. I do not understand why I cannot link the fds to the programs that I am writing. I will up date you.
Thank you for your help