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Quick Byte max7219 demo — Parallax Forums

Quick Byte max7219 demo


Downloaded the code. Was teasing out the spi. Tested your demo and I get this:

This is the same issue that I have had with your spin2 version of fullduplexserial.
Any suggestions.


  • AribaAriba Posts: 2,690

    @pilot0315 said:

    This is the same issue that I have had with your spin2 version of fullduplexserial.
    Any suggestions.

    The error is again in the fullduplexserial, so just read again what the solution was in your old thread .

  • Here's a link to the updated FDS object from the old thread: As Andy pointed out, I explained the issue there.

  • pilot0315pilot0315 Posts: 915
    edited 2022-03-15 22:18


    I have saved the latest into the prop tool. I am getting unique method name on several different demo programs.
    It is Pub fdec(value,digits) in fds. I can comment it out and there is no error.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,233
    edited 2022-03-15 22:35

    It is Pub fdec(value,digits) in fds. I can comment it out and there is no error.

    I know well what the problem is (Chip added a formatter called FDEC to his Debug routines) , and I addressed it in January when it was first reported to me.

    Why are you running a local copy of jm_fullduplexserial.spin2 with every demo? Open the latest version (04 JAN 2022 -- available in that link above) in Propeller Tool, then click File > Save To... > Propeller Library. Then delete the local copies (i.e., the copy that is in your project folder). I suggest you do this with every library object. Keeping multiple copies can create issues.

    You can tell if you're running a local copy versus the library copy by compiling (F9) and then looking at the project outline. If an object folder icon is yellow, it is a local copy. What you want to see is that icon as blue which indicates that it's running the version from the Library folder. You must delete the local copy because the compiler looks for objects in the project folder first. If not located there, it looks in the Library folder.

    This is from the summary view for the latest version of my FDS. As you can see, I renamed all of the f___ objects, in case Chip decides to add more formatters to Debug.

  • pilot0315pilot0315 Posts: 915
    edited 2022-03-16 01:57


    I installed prop tool 2.6.3.
    Is that the jm fds that is in the prop tool should work. I deleted 2.6.2 completely. Ran your code and that is what happened. I have been out of the loop for over a year and a half.
    I am getting back up to speed with all of the changes and trying to port my old code over whether in spin, c or pasm.
    The new prop tool really does not have any instructions that I can find. I think it would be nice that, unless there is already and I do not know where it is, a thread that discusses the changes.
    I ran the code out of the box. Out of the box is not working.
    That would help for those of us who are starting from scratch again.
    The local copies and non local? If you have time a bit more of explanation please.
    Thank you.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,233
    edited 2022-03-16 03:27

    I ran the code out of the box. Out of the box is not working.

    I have no control over which version of my object that Parallax distributes, and it's quite likely they have an older one. When the issue was reported in the forums, I updated my code to work around Chip's feature addition (he doesn't use FDS so he didn't know there was a collision).

    The new prop tool really does not have any instructions that I can find.

    Press F1. It's older, but the tool behaves the same other than allowing for P1 and P2 targets (you must save with the correct extension before compiling).

    What I mean by a "local copy" is an object library that lives in the same folder as the project file (top object). The only time I do this is when the object is specific to that project, and has no universal appeal (i.e., will never be used anywhere else. When you compile the project with F9, local objects will be displayed as YELLOW file folders in the project outline. I had an older archive of that project you were working with. I unzipped it to a new folder (with all the objects) and compiled. This is what the project outline looks like:

    If I delete everything except the project from that folder and recompile, Propeller Tool has to look in my global library folder. The project outline now looks like this.

    Notice the color change. Another thing you can do is hover your mouse over one of the object files in the outline and Propeller Tool will give you its location. If it's in the Library folder it will be noted -- like this:

    If the library is local it will be marked as "[ WORK FOLDER ]"

  • @JonnyMac
    @"Ken Gracey"

    Prop tool 2.6.3 will not let me replace the jm fds with the newer version. I have deleted the old several times and the old keeps coming up.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,233
    edited 2022-03-17 03:13

    Where is your library folder installed? You should have a folder called Propeller Tool that is under the Documents. This is a capture from my system.

    As you can see, I have added folders and files to it -- something that couldn't be done with previous versions where the libaray is located under the Program Files (x86) folder (which Windows protects from external modification -- still, Propeller Tool should be able to overwrite that folder).

  • pilot0315pilot0315 Posts: 915
    edited 2022-03-17 19:04

    @"Ken Gracey"
    The folders are installed per the recommended paths during the installation. I think I found the problem. The zip files for the demo have a 2020 version of your fds program. I had to go in and replace them.
    Looks like the Prop Tool used the ones in that extracted file instead of the replaced one in the tool library. Interesting. Appears that the library is dissociated under those conditions. These are the downloaded ones from the quick bytes. Maybe have them updated. It was confusing. Had to have your later version and the original open side by side to check the dates. See attached.
    Was able in the end to put the new one in the Prop Tool Library.

  • I have alerted Parallax (Ken and Jeff) about the updated jm_fullduplexserial.spin2 so they can update downloads on the Parallax site (Ken) and the Propeller Tool installer (Jeff).

    Please don't repost older versions of that object that might cause others to trip as you did.

  • Thanks for listening. I will be attempting to make sure that the old is deleted and since I now know about it I can fix any other downloads from quick bytes that I already have.

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