Simple Z80 System
in Propeller 2
Ever wanted to play with a Z80 but don't want to build one with a real processor ?
To demonstrate how much I'm enthusiast of @Wuerfel_21 Z80 emulation, I wrote a simple Z80 system emulation that more or less resembles the RC2014 Mini, or Grant Searle's Simple Z80 board, with an emulated 68B50 ACIA serial interface.
It can run the 8k MS-BASIC ROM
Or the Small Computer Monitor by Stephen C Cousins
The attached archive includes the source code and pre-compiled binaries with MS-BASIC and SCM as well as the ROM binaries.
I was learning Z80 asm as a student (in 80s) and then teach it as a teacher (in 90s)... ZX Spectrum emulator now?
The obvious next step is to run EhBASIC on the 68000 core and see if it ends up faster than Z80 BASIC ;3
Way cool, I just tried it out and it appears to work great, here's an example BASIC output:
This is excellent. What are you running it on for hardware?
What do you mean ? It runs on a P2 with the standard serial (programming) connection.
The shown programs (MS-BASIC and SCMonitor) can run on any RC2014-like kits or Stephen's own Z80 kits.
no external memory or anything, just SPI flash for storage?
It runs from ram and the serial plug, doesn't store anything.
You can upload the code to the onboard flash if you want to run it on power up, but nothing more.