Digital joystick - analog interface

So, I have an Atari type digital joystick
Its pins are: up, down, left, fight, trigger, +5, GND.
Moving the joystick shorts one or two of these pins to the ground.
To not waste P2 pins I reused my robot battery voltage measuring object:
' ADC driver for a robot ' v.0.02 - 20220110 ' ' MIT License var long aresult long adcpina long agnd long avcc long bresult long adcpinb long bgnd long bvcc pub start(apin,bpin) :cog |iii, m, n adcpina:=apin adcpinb:=bpin cog:=coginit(16,@mixer,@aresult) waitms(100) return cog pub measure() :vx,vy return 33000*(aresult-agnd)/(avcc-agnd), 33000*(bresult-bgnd)/(bvcc-bgnd) DAT org mixer setq #7 rdlong aaresult,ptra fltl aapin wrpin adc_config1, aapin wxpin #%00_1101, aapin dirh aapin fltl abpin wrpin adc_config1, abpin wxpin #%00_1101, abpin dirh abpin mov x, #%001<<6 add x,aapin setse1 x loop waitse1 rdpin x,aapin rdpin x,abpin waitse1 rdpin x,aapin rdpin x,abpin waitse1 rdpin gnda,aapin rdpin gndb,abpin wrpin adc_config2, aapin wrpin adc_config2, abpin waitse1 rdpin x,aapin rdpin x,abpin waitse1 rdpin x,aapin rdpin x,abpin waitse1 rdpin vcca,aapin rdpin vccb,abpin wrpin adc_config3, aapin wrpin adc_config3, abpin waitse1 rdpin x,aapin rdpin x,abpin waitse1 rdpin x,aapin rdpin x,abpin waitse1 rdpin aaresult,aapin rdpin abresult,abpin wrpin adc_config1, aapin wrpin adc_config1, abpin setq #7 wrlong aaresult,ptra jmp #loop 'loop adc_config1 long %0000_0000_000_100000_0000000_00_11000_0 ' 100000 gnd adc_config2 long %0000_0000_000_100001_0000000_00_11000_0 ' 100001 3v3 adc_config3 long %0000_0000_000_100011_0000000_00_11000_0 ' 100011 pin x long 0
Then I connected pins via resistors.
- up - 1k
- down - 2k
- left - 4k
- right - 8k
The other ends of these resistors were connected to the P2 pin and also, via 8k resistor, to +3v3 (instead of +5)
I also connected +3v3 via 10k resistor to the trigger - not necessary, the P2 can do a pullup itself, but I want a "clear" thing not dependent on pin settings.
Then I had to write a test program:
#include "" dim adc as class using "adccog.spin2" dim x,y,dir as ulong dim dirt$ as string startmachine startvideo adc.start(16,17) v.setmode(0) v.cls(154,147) do x,y=adc.measure() if x<3090 then dir=5 :dirt$="Up-left" if x>=3090 andalso x<3350 then dir=9 :dirt$= "Up-right " if x>=3350 andalso x<4000 then dir=1:dirt$= "Up " if x>=4000 andalso x<4900 then dir=6:dirt$= "Down-left " if x>=4900 andalso x<6000 then dir=10:dirt$= "Down-right" if x>=6000 andalso x<8000 then dir=2:dirt$= "Down " if x>=8000 andalso x<12000 then dir=4:dirt$= "Left " if x>=12000 andalso x<20000 then dir=8:dirt$="Right " if x>=20000 then dir=0 : dirt$= "None " if y<16000 then pinhi(56) if y>=16000 then pinlo(56) position 1,10: v.write(v.inttostr2(x,8)): position 20,10: v.write(dirt$): position 40,10: v.write(v.inttostr2(y,8)) loop
to discover that the joystick needs servicing (up contact was bad) but after that, the contraption works. 2 pins used instead of 5
The next retro task: connect an analog PC joystick which I also have.