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TAQOZ Reloaded v2.8 - useful string words — Parallax Forums

TAQOZ Reloaded v2.8 - useful string words

bob_g4bbybob_g4bby Posts: 405
edited 2022-03-10 08:50 in Forth

TAQOZ is a bit light when it comes to string functions. Looking at Tachyon, the following words looked useful and have been adapted for TAQOZ Reloaded:-

--- Some useful Tachyon string functions, adapted for TAQOZ v2.8 - Bob Edwards Mar 2022

--- Locate the addr of the first instance of ch in the string str and return that, else null
pub LOCATE$ ( ch str -- str | 0 )
    TRUE >L
    DUP LEN$        --- chr str count
        DUP IC@ =
            DROP I
            L> DROP FALSE >L
        DROP 0

--- append str1 at the end of str2
pub APPEND$ ( str1 str2 -- )        DUP LEN$ + $! ;

--- add a character to a string
pub +CHAR ( ch str -- )     DUP LEN$ + OVER 1+ C~ C! ;

--- give a copy of the rightmost len chars of str
pub RIGHT$ ( str1 len -- str2 )     OVER LEN$ SWAP - + ;

--- Extract the substring of str starting at offset len chars long
pub MID$ ( str1 offset len -- str2 )    -ROT + SWAP

--- leftmost len chars of str - destructive, uses same string
pub LEFT$ ( str len -- str )        OVER+ C~ ;

--- Some test strings

20 bytes mystring
" Hello" mystring $!
5 bytes name
" Bob" name $!

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