Starting a new cog to "LCD display" within the " jm_ pixel controller program"- Issue resolved.
I have added - cogspin(1,Old_Lcd,@ lcdStack) follwed by cogspi(0,main,@maicStack)
The pub Old_Lcd - only display "Hello".
I have placed the " cogspin(1,Old_Lcd,@ lcdStack)" in all possible places within pixel code.
The very first i tried was to start cog#1 in the main program before any other code and many other
places in the pixel code.
It works when placed in the repeat loop but lcd screen refreshes very fast -repeat loop.
I need some help in starting a second cog so both pixel code and lcd display works.
Thank you.
Could certainly do better with problem reporting. What is the name of the driver sources? Or better still a web link or file attachment.
@ evanh
I am sorry I intended to attach the archived file.
I attached the archive to the original post.
Thank you for helping me.
Okay, and the LCD source file. Will need that too.
The source file is in the archive -" jm_serial_lcd.spin2"
Thanks for the help
I solved my issue.
Thanks for your help