What is the format of the .binary / _P2_PROP.BIX file or in what document is it described?
There is no format. It's just code that loads into RAM. The first 504(???) longs load into cog 0 to start it.
Cog 0 starts executing machine code from the first longword of the binary. It's one big DAT section effective.
If it includes a Spin2 program then the first part of the binary is the Spin2 interpreterVM starting up.
Thank you all.
There is no format. It's just code that loads into RAM. The first 504(???) longs load into cog 0 to start it.
Cog 0 starts executing machine code from the first longword of the binary. It's one big DAT section effective.
If it includes a Spin2 program then the first part of the binary is the Spin2 interpreterVM starting up.
Thank you all.