SOLVED - Some I2C chips not detected by Taqoz Reloaded?
"It's quiet - maybe too quiet, pardner" I expect all you 1000's of Taqoz programmers are too busy coding to post anything recently.
I'm coding a driver for the MS5611 air pressure sensor - it's said to be good for altimeter applications. I already had 3 i2c chips connected to the P2 and they all show up as a list when Taqoz starts. When an MS5611 is added, Taqoz does not detect it. Anyone else had an i2c chip fail to be detected?
I have two of these chips on breakout boards. I can read the six calibration constants from each chip - each chip has a unique set and they read consistently, so the chips are connected up and working OK.
I wish TAQOZ had that level of active users. That would be really fantastic the point.
I have not experienced that. A chip not recognized correctly - yes, but not detected - not yet.
I have a sensor board from ST - yet untouched - so I may give it a try today once i get home. Will post the results.
An update without an actual results.
It turned out I was unable to check the sensor board due to the fact my KISS board loaded with TAQOZ (@"Christof Eb." version patched for the 25Mhz crystal) apperently does not like minicom terminal on my linux box and returns garbage. The board boots fine but I suspect it's the linux character encoding that is causing the problem. Will check tomorrow with the TeraTerm on windows.
@maciek, I am using minicom on Linux with the KISS board with no issues at all. Silly question, did you set the baud speed in minicom conf (or start minicom with -b parameter) ?
Silly question indeed
. The KISS board and the TAQOZ are both functioning perfectly.Yes, the serial terminal settings are correct. Moreover, I have checked on windows with Tera Term - no issues. Everything works as it should. The characters display properly and all is well. I will investigate further during the weekend.
A good friend suggested this modified version of the 'lsi2c' word that:-
1. Successfully detects the MS5611 chip
2. Displays an estimated maximum i2c clock speed for each chip detected on the bus
3. Recognises a few more chips and displays their names