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Rust on P2: It's rough, but it works



  • libp2 provides three things: The core startup code, which is responsible for actually initializing libraries and so forth, it can be rewritten in rust, or use the existing library; the runtime library (integer math routines that can't be done in hardware, 64 bit support, floating point support, etc); and hardware access functions (like starting cogs, macros for instructions that don't have equivalent C operations like rev, etc). I don't think rust itself will explicitly rely on any of them (unless you use the features of those libraries), but you won't be able to link programs into executables without it (since you will be missing the custom startup code). there shouldn't be a reliance on libc, but getting memcpy, memset, etc, might be a reason it will be required. It might be worth it to move some of these core memory functions out of libc and into libp2 so that rust has no reliance on libc.

    Like Mike said, these functions live in lut for performance. branching in hubex is much more expensive than in cogex or lutex, and you can't use rdfast/wrfast in hubex. So for algorithmic routines that rely on looping a lot (like many math routines are), it's better to place them in the lut. memcpy/memset are great examples of this, they perform much faster in the LUT using wrfast than they would doing individual writes in hubex.

    To go deeper, I probably don't have too much advice to offer on the rust side. I don't know the language or the compiler system, I just did what I could to get everything hooked up so you could compile for P2 targets, and hoped someone who knew it better could take over. If you want to write your own memset, etc, and not rely on libc, then really all you need to do is define that function to be in the lut section, and LLVM codegen and linker should handle the rest. Not sure how to do that in rust, but in C it's something like __attribute__ ((section ("lut"), no_builtin("memset"))). For reference, here is the list of all functions that the compiler expects to be in the LUT.
    If the function is too big to fit in the LUT, then it needs a wrapper that will call the actual function that resides in hubex. This is how floating point support current works.

  • __deets____deets__ Posts: 203
    edited 2022-04-19 18:18

    Ok, I guess putting these functions into libp2 makes sense eventually. What I still don’t understand is why this is giving me/us a problem right here. Because nobody knows about memset, why is the call to it into the LUT? Even if it should end up there eventually, I can for example define and call blink2 (the supposed cog bound function) immediately, without a problem. Is that a linker thing?

  • __deets____deets__ Posts: 203
    edited 2022-04-19 19:52

    Please disregard my last post. I just saw that you actually mention how they are expected to be there, this somehow didn’t register yesterday. I’ll try your newer library build and report back.

  • Using your libp2.a from a few posts ago, things don't improve, actually the opposite:

    21:55 $ b cargo build --target p2
       Compiling blink v0.1.0 (/home/deets/Downloads/p2rust_support/p2rust_support/blink)
    error: linking with `/opt/p2llvm/bin/ld.lld` failed: exit status: 1
      = note: "/opt/p2llvm/bin/ld.lld" "/home/deets/Downloads/p2rust_support/p2rust_support/blink/target/p2/debug/deps/blink-bd0f5f85f5dd7a37.53d9y2a9ium2fgqs.rcgu.o" "--as-needed" "-L" "/home/deets/Downloads/p2rust_support/p2rust_support/blink/target/p2/debug/deps" "-L" "/home/deets/Downloads/p2rust_support/p2rust_support/blink/target/debug/deps" "-L" "/opt/p2rust/lib/rustlib/p2/lib" "-Bstatic" "--whole-archive" "-lp2" "--no-whole-archive" "/opt/p2rust/lib/rustlib/p2/lib/libcompiler_builtins.rlib" "/opt/p2rust/lib/rustlib/p2/lib/libcore.rlib" "-Bdynamic" "--eh-frame-hdr" "-znoexecstack" "-L" "/opt/p2rust/lib/rustlib/p2/lib" "-o" "/home/deets/Downloads/p2rust_support/p2rust_support/blink/target/p2/debug/deps/blink-bd0f5f85f5dd7a37.elf" "--gc-sections" "--whole-archive" "--no-whole-archive" "-T/opt/p2llvm/p2.ld"
      = note: ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: memset
          referenced by 53d9y2a9ium2fgqs
  • __deets____deets__ Posts: 203
    edited 2022-04-19 20:04

    Aaaaand we have a winner! Thanks to your above suggestion, I was able to lookup the way you can specify the linker section using rust - for reference:

    I had to roll back the libp2.a to the one I build myself & used before.

    And thus the following code generates two different blinking LEDs on my P2 eval! Very happy!

    use core::arch::asm;
    use core::panic::PanicInfo;
    #[link(name = "p2")]
    extern "C" {
        fn _uart_init(rx: u32, tx: u32, baud: u32);
        fn _uart_putc(c: u8, rx: u32);
        fn cogstart(main: extern fn()->(), par: u32, stack: *mut u32, stacksize: u32) -> u32;
    #[link_section = "lut"]
    fn memset(_s: *mut u32, _c: u32, _n: u32)
    /// This function is called on panic.
    fn panic(_info: &PanicInfo) -> ! {
        loop {}
    extern fn blink2()
        unsafe {
            asm!{"dirh #57"};
            loop {
                asm!{"outnot #57"};
                asm!{"waitx ##4000000"};
    pub extern fn main() {
        let mut stack: [u32; 100] = [0; 100];
        unsafe {
            let stack_ref = &mut stack;
            let stack_ptr = stack_ref as *mut u32; // and a pointer, created from the reference
            cogstart(blink2, 0, stack_ptr, 100);
            asm!{"dirh #56"};
            _uart_init(10, 12, 2000000);
            loop {
                asm!{"outnot #56"};
                asm!{"waitx ##1000000"};
                _uart_putc(65, 12);
                _uart_putc(13, 12);
                _uart_putc(10, 12);
  • Awesome! Great work digging this down.

    And the undefined symbol error makes sense--memset is actually defined in libc, not libp2, so if you weren't linking libc, it wouldn't be able to find it. I had including both in my earlier post. Moving those functions to libp2 makes the most sense though--linking libc for a rust program doesn't really make sense, but memset, memcpy, and memmove are things rustc expects to be built in (because llvm), rather than part of the C library. I'll do that sometime soon...

  • I've moved the 3 memory functions (memcpy, memset, memmove) to libp2, so now you should be able to do the above without defining your own memset, as long as you link libp2. Attached here so you don't need to rebuild anything

  • Nice. I’ll give it a spin in a few days, some vacation is coming up.

  • __deets____deets__ Posts: 203
    edited 2022-06-26 17:39

    As usual, things take longer due to other projects being urgent :(

    I'm currently trying to get a bit more systematically into the project with the goal to better understand the code generation and execution. There's a few question marks, maybe you can help me clear them up:

    • Puzzling together loadp2 and the disassembly of the generated ELF, it seems as if the ELF sections are just laid out in memory as-is, meaning __entry, __start0, __start are placed at the very beginning of RAM. And then executed in "Register Execution"/cogeexec. I'm unclear as to how that works. How are these instructions placed into COG0 register memory? And how does this work with the LUT, is just placing it at the $200 offset enough to ensure it will be moved to all the LUTs?
    • The JMP instruction seems to be either a numeric value, and the effectively is JMPREL, or in the form of #\, which is absolute. Is that correct? Is there a reason the disassembly couldn't distinguish between these two (to avoid confusing me :blush: ) ?

    My current goal would be to get some sort of p2core crate going which pulls in automatically all the p2 lib code as a submodule or some such (under the assumption the P2 target is available), so people can just start without having to set up much if anything for a new rust P2 project.

  • JMPREL #D is not the same as the normal relative jump JMP #A

  • @Wuerfel_21 Oh! I misread the documentation then. What’s the difference?

  • JMPREL #D takes a normal 9-bit D parameter (which can be a register, too (JMPREL D)), JMP #A takes a special 20-bit A paremeter. There's also the indirect jump opcode JMP D.

  • TonyB_TonyB_ Posts: 2,204
    edited 2022-06-26 19:40

    My take on the different plain jump instructions:

    JMP     D       'Jump indirect absolute
    JMPREL  D       'Jump indirect relative
    JMPREL  #D      'Jump direct relative
    JMP     #A      'Jump direct relative
    JMP     #\A     'Jump direct absolute

    JMPREL #D and JMP #A encode addresses differently for hub exec.
    JMPREL ##D is a valid instruction albeit rather unlikely.

  • The other important thing about JMPREL is that the parameter is the number of instructions to skip, not the address (so JMPREL #1 is like JMP #$+1 in cogexec, and JMP #$+4 in hubexec).

  • Great, thanks for the insights. I'll have to study the instructions a bit more. And hope for the fully annotated assembly instruction manual I guess ;)

    Regarding my other question: any insights on how one can prime data in COG/LUT memory? This is still a mystery to me.

  • @deets said:
    Great, thanks for the insights. I'll have to study the instructions a bit more. And hope for the fully annotated assembly instruction manual I guess ;)

    Regarding my other question: any insights on how one can prime data in COG/LUT memory? This is still a mystery to me.

    I'm not sure about your question but the following might help. loadp2 file loads file into hub RAM beginning at address 0 and starts cog 0, with cog 0 RAM 0-$1F7 copied from 0-$7DF byte addresses in hub RAM. Each cog has to load its own LUT RAM.

    For a single cog, I always use a loadp2 file that is exactly 4096 bytes long so that it includes all 2KB of cog RAM plus all 2KB of LUT RAM, making sure I fill any unused space in both. This ensures that start of LUT RAM is always 2048 bytes after start of cog RAM in hub RAM. To load LUT RAM from hub RAM, the cog's startup code has following:

        add ptrb,##2048
        setq2   #512-1
        rdlong  0,ptrb++

    Cog 0 could start others cogs, e.g. loadp2 file is 12KB composed of cogs 0+1+2 4KB binaries.

  • @deets said:
    As usual, things take longer due to other projects being urgent :(

    That’s how it always goes…

    • Puzzling together loadp2 and the disassembly of the generated ELF, it seems as if the ELF sections are just laid out in memory as-is, meaning __entry, __start0, __start are placed at the very beginning of RAM. And then executed in "Register Execution"/cogeexec. I'm unclear as to how that works. How are these instructions placed into COG0 register memory? And how does this work with the LUT, is just placing it at the $200 offset enough to ensure it will be moved to all the LUTs?

    On boot, the chip loads the first 2048 bytes into the 512 longs of cog memory and begins executing at register 0. In the specific case of LLVM and my P2 crt0, I wrote it to use a few different start up routines to set things up, including loading the LUT with the runtime library every time a cog boots. I’m not sure there’s a hardware way to load the LUT before/during boot and loading—you always need to do it via software.

  • I tried finding the place where you load the LUT, but failed. Can you point me to it? And when loading to the LUT you just mean that: write a piece of code (probably in hubexec) that transfers data from the RAM place where the LUT section is placed into the address-space from $200-$400-1 ?

  • @TonyB_ said:
    I'm not sure about your question but the following might help. loadp2 file loads file into hub RAM beginning at address 0 and starts cog 0, with cog 0 RAM 0-$1F7 copied from 0-$7DF byte addresses in hub RAM. Each cog has to load its own LUT RAM.

    I have seen the loading part, looking into loadp2.c. I have failed to see the starting cog0 part. How is that accomplished? My naive assumption was that a soft reset just ensures that somehow.

    For a single cog, I always use a loadp2 file that is exactly 4096 bytes long so that it includes all 2KB of cog RAM plus all 2KB of LUT RAM, making sure I fill any unused space in both. This ensures that start of LUT RAM is always 2048 bytes after start of cog RAM in hub RAM. To load LUT RAM from hub RAM, the cog's startup code has following:

      add ptrb,##2048
      setq2   #512-1
      rdlong  0,ptrb++

    Cog 0 could start others cogs, e.g. loadp2 file is 12KB composed of cogs 0+1+2 4KB binaries.

    Nice, that confirms whan Nikita already referred to, I just need to locate that code somehow.

  • @deets said:

    @TonyB_ said:
    I'm not sure about your question but the following might help. loadp2 file loads file into hub RAM beginning at address 0 and starts cog 0, with cog 0 RAM 0-$1F7 copied from 0-$7DF byte addresses in hub RAM. Each cog has to load its own LUT RAM.

    I have seen the loading part, looking into loadp2.c. I have failed to see the starting cog0 part. How is that accomplished? My naive assumption was that a soft reset just ensures that somehow.

    P2 ROM boot code starts cog 0. Doc says: "If a program successfully loads serially within 60 seconds execute 'COGINIT #0,#0' to relaunch cog 0 from $00000." loadp2 transmits file serially in correct format.

  • @deets said:

    @TonyB_ said:
    I'm not sure about your question but the following might help. loadp2 file loads file into hub RAM beginning at address 0 and starts cog 0, with cog 0 RAM 0-$1F7 copied from 0-$7DF byte addresses in hub RAM. Each cog has to load its own LUT RAM.

    I have seen the loading part, looking into loadp2.c. I have failed to see the starting cog0 part. How is that accomplished? My naive assumption was that a soft reset just ensures that somehow.

    For a single cog, I always use a loadp2 file that is exactly 4096 bytes long so that it includes all 2KB of cog RAM plus all 2KB of LUT RAM, making sure I fill any unused space in both. This ensures that start of LUT RAM is always 2048 bytes after start of cog RAM in hub RAM. To load LUT RAM from hub RAM, the cog's startup code has following:

        add ptrb,##2048
        setq2   #512-1
        rdlong  0,ptrb++

    Cog 0 could start others cogs, e.g. loadp2 file is 12KB composed of cogs 0+1+2 4KB binaries.

    Nice, that confirms whan Nikita already referred to, I just need to locate that code somehow.

    In crt0.c, there is a call to a macro INIT_RTLIB: used to load the LUT RAM with the runtime library code
    which is here: I recommend not messing with the LUT if using the LLVM backend, as it relies on runtime library functions (such as basic math functions that don't have instructions) to be there and there's no catch if you use the LUT for other purposes.

    For reference on how my crt0 works:
    1. __entry() and __start0() get loaded into cog0 on chip boot. The linker has placed things such that __entry() ends up at address 0 and __start0() at address 0x40 in hub RAM (address 0x10 in cog RAM).
    2. entry does nothing except jump to 0x10 where start0 is located. This is so that external tools like loadp2 can patch in the clock configuration and not override code space.
    3. start0 does some set up to possibly enable debugging (enabled via a compile flag) and then restarts cog0 at __start().
    4. __start is a reusable function used it start any cog in hub mode. if it's running on cog0, it does some initial boot stuff and calls main(), otherwise it just calls the cog function passed to it via coginit.

  • __deets____deets__ Posts: 203
    edited 2022-07-09 15:37

    I discovered a problem with the inline assember of Rust. The register size was limited to 8 and 16 bit. So I gr(a|e)bbed around a bit, and found the declaration. I changed this to

        pub fn supported_types(
            arch: InlineAsmArch,
        ) -> &'static [(InlineAsmType, Option<Symbol>)] {
            match (self, arch) {
                (Self::reg, _) => types! { _: I8, I16, I32; },

    Literally only the ,I32 - I can make a PR for that, but I doubt that's really worth it.

    So now code using this code

    pub fn wrpin(v: u32, pin: u8) {
        unsafe {
            asm! (
                "wrpin {v}, {pin}",

    is compiled to

    00000a00 <main>:
         a00: 28 02 64 fd            setq #1
         a04: 61 a1 67 fc            wrlong r0, ptra++
         a08: 48 a0 07 f6            mov r0, #72    
         a0c: 1c a2 07 f6            mov r1, #28    
         a10: d1 a1 03 fc            wrpin r0, r1
         a14: 17 b8 0b ff            augs #768023
         a18: e0 a0 07 f6            mov r0, #224   
         a1c: d1 a1 13 fc            wxpin r0, r1
         a20: fc ff 9f fd            jmp #-4

    Nice! This doesn't do much yet, trying to port JonnyMac's smartpin SPI code so I can build up on that.

  • Nice! I would ask you make a PR, but if you want to wait until you find other bugs and push a bigger one, that would be fine too. I still haven’t learned rust, despite wanting to for months now :)

  • You can have the PR if you prefer, no problem. It will be tiny, but there is no harm in that, and establishing a routine here is maybe a good idea.

    I also have a repo not yet published with my feeble attempts at creating a p2rt crate that serves as foundation for working with the P2. I'll publish that one of these days. Do you mind being mentioned in it? This is the starting paragraph:

    This is my attempt at furthering the Rust implementation on the
    Parallax Propeller P2. I'm basing this work off Nikita Ermoshkin's
    work who ported the P2 target to LLVM. Anything that works is to his
    credit, anything that doesn't probably my mistake.
    I keep this readme a bit as a journal, instead of a polished
    document. Consolidation might come later, but there is plenty of
    topics to understand like
     - P2 code execution model, RAM and flash.
     - P2 loading.
     - Linker Scripts in both C++ and Rust.
     - COG-run code vs hubexec.
     - Helper functions in LUT-RAM.
    And probably a lot more.
    My current game plan: I want to build a p2rt crate that contains
    everything that Nikita's P2 library contains. Either by
    re-implementing or statically building/linking from his sources via
  • Merged!

    @deets said:
    I also have a repo not yet published with my feeble attempts at creating a p2rt crate that serves as foundation for working with the P2. I'll publish that one of these days. Do you mind being mentioned in it?

    Not at all, appreciate it

  • Great, I'll push it one of these days. Right now I'm stumped though: in continuation of my SPI implementation, I need the fltl instruction. However, declaring it analogous to drvl etc fails miserably:

        pub fn dirh(pin: u8)
            unsafe {
                asm! (
                    "dirh {pin}",
        pub fn fltl(pin: u8)
            unsafe {
                asm! (
                    "fltl {pin}",

    An attempt at using it yields

    error: invalid operand for instruction
      --> /home/deets/Dropbox/projects/p2-rust-support/p2rt/src/
    71 |                 "fltl {pin}",
       |                  ^
    note: instantiated into assembly here
      --> <inline asm>:1:2
    1  |     fltl r0
       |     ^

    I tried comparing the P2 target declarations in the llvm between these two instructions, but don't find anything that I can pinpoint. Do you have an idea?

  • I found the problem... I looked into the llvm project, and there the instructions were declared. But the p2rust of course has its own llvm project as sub-module, and that wasn't up-to-date. I'm trying to rebuild now.

    The last commit on the branch rust has a problem btw, it contains merge markers. I'll try and create a PR.

  • So building worked, but then installing failed with the following error-message:

    20:44 $ ./ install
    Updating only changed submodules
      Submodules updated in 0.01 seconds
    Building rustbuild
        Finished dev [unoptimized] target(s) in 0.13s
    Building stage0 std artifacts (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
        Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.12s
    Copying stage0 std from stage0 (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu / x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
    Building LLVM for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    -- clang project is enabled
    -- clang-tools-extra project is disabled
    -- compiler-rt project is disabled
    -- cross-project-tests project is disabled
    -- libc project is disabled
    -- libclc project is disabled
    -- libcxx project is disabled
    -- libcxxabi project is disabled
    -- libunwind project is disabled
    -- lld project is disabled
    -- lldb project is disabled
    -- mlir project is disabled
    -- openmp project is disabled
    -- parallel-libs project is disabled
    -- polly project is disabled
    -- pstl project is disabled
    -- flang project is disabled
    -- Native target architecture is X86
    -- Threads enabled.
    -- Doxygen disabled.
    -- Go bindings disabled.
    -- Ninja version: 1.10.0
    -- OCaml bindings disabled.
    -- LLVM host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    -- LLVM default target triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
    -- Building with -fPIC
    -- LLVMHello ignored -- Loadable modules not supported on this platform.
    -- Targeting X86
    -- Targeting P2
    -- Clang version: 14.0.0
    -- Not building amdgpu-arch: hsa-runtime64 not found
    -- PrintFunctionNames ignored -- Loadable modules not supported on this platform.
    -- AnnotateFunctions ignored -- Loadable modules not supported on this platform.
    -- Attribute ignored -- Loadable modules not supported on this platform.
    -- CallSuperAttr ignored -- Loadable modules not supported on this platform.
    -- BugpointPasses ignored -- Loadable modules not supported on this platform.
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/build
    running: "cmake" "--build" "." "--target" "install" "--config" "Release" "--" "-j" "32"
    [1/1494] Building
    FAILED: lib/Target/P2/ 
    cd /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/build && /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/build/bin/llvm-tblgen -gen-instr-info -I /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target/P2 -I/home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/build/include -I/home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/include -I /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target/P2/ --write-if-changed -o lib/Target/P2/ -d lib/Target/P2/
    Type set is empty for each HW mode:
    possible type contradiction in the pattern below (use -print-records with llvm-tblgen to see all expanded records).
    anonymous_3917:         (ZEROXri:{ *:[i32] } P2GPR:{ *:[] }:$s, 0:{ *:[i32] }, 15:{ *:[i8] }, 0:{ *:[i8] })
    Generated from record:
    anonymous_3917 {        // Pattern Pat
      dag PatternToMatch = (i32 (zext i1:$s));
      list<dag> ResultInstrs = [(ZEROXri P2GPR:$s, 0, 15, { 0, 0 })];
      list<Predicate> Predicates = [];
      int AddedComplexity = 0;
    Included from /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target/P2/
    /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target/P2/ error: Type set is empty for each HW mode in 'anonymous_3917'
    def : Pat<(i32 (zext i1:$s)), (ZEROXri P2GPR:$s, 0, always, noeff)>;
    [2/1494] Building
    FAILED: lib/Target/P2/ 
    cd /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/build && /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/build/bin/llvm-tblgen -gen-dag-isel -I /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target/P2 -I/home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/build/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/llvm/build/include -I/home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/include -I /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target -omit-comments /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target/P2/ --write-if-changed -o lib/Target/P2/ -d lib/Target/P2/
    Type set is empty for each HW mode:
    possible type contradiction in the pattern below (use -print-records with llvm-tblgen to see all expanded records).
    anonymous_3917:         (ZEROXri:{ *:[i32] } P2GPR:{ *:[] }:$s, 0:{ *:[i32] }, 15:{ *:[i8] }, 0:{ *:[i8] })
    Generated from record:
    anonymous_3917 {        // Pattern Pat
      dag PatternToMatch = (i32 (zext i1:$s));
      list<dag> ResultInstrs = [(ZEROXri P2GPR:$s, 0, 15, { 0, 0 })];
      list<Predicate> Predicates = [];
      int AddedComplexity = 0;
    Included from /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target/P2/
    /home/deets/software/vc/p2rust/src/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Target/P2/ error: Type set is empty for each HW mode in 'anonymous_3917'
    def : Pat<(i32 (zext i1:$s)), (ZEROXri P2GPR:$s, 0, always, noeff)>;
    [32/1494] Building CXX object lib/AsmParser/CMakeFiles/LLVMAsmParser.dir/LLParser.cpp.o
    ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
    thread 'main' panicked at '
    command did not execute successfully, got: exit status: 1
    build script failed, must exit now', /home/deets/.cargo/registry/src/
    note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
            finished in 19.908 seconds
    Build completed unsuccessfully in 0:00:21
    ✔ ~/software/vc/p2rust [master|✚ 2…39] 
    20:46 $ 

    I have to call it quits for today, maybe you have an idea. I'll look into it again as well in the next few days.

  • Hmm yeah I’ve made some updates to llvm since creating the rust branch—I will take a look and try to fix. I have a few things I need to do this week but hopefully I can take a look on Wednesday.

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