President Biden Talks About Making Chips in the USA

in Propeller 2
This isn't a political post.
A few weeks ago, President Biden spoke of the semiconductor shortage and America's reliance on overseas manufacturing of chips.
The P2 answers his call for independence. It's made in the USA and I couldn't resist drawing attention to our efforts in designing advanced semiconductors and fabricating them in the USA with ON Semi.
If you like the video, drop a "like" there.
Ken Gracey
Since POTUS is asking, would TV news be interested in doing a segment on home-grown semiconductor manfacturing from Rocklin, CA ?
Never let a crisis go to waste.
Everyone is aware of the shortages.
I think that we should be getting Props in to the hands of the popular/prominent YouTubers such as Greatscott and the like. Make them aware of the far superior alternative to the Arduinos, RPis, etc.
Set them up with some kind of rig that only the Prop architecture can easily handle.
Free marketing with an established following is right there.