"What is a microcontroller?" Chapter 4 Activity 1 Help
in BASIC Stamp
I am currently working on the BS.2 board I am trying to follow along with the book however I cannot find a 3 step switch. So I skipped ahead and I cannot get my servo to move at all. I double-checked my code and my circuit they are both correct. Does anyone have an idea of how to adapt the lesson using the homework board??
Hi! Yes indeed, no power switch on the homework board. No servo headers either
How have you got the servo connected?
And what are you using as your power source?
Maybe post a photo of your board with the servo connected and powered on. That should show the answer to help you more quickly.
I assume you are using version 3.0, so Pages 99 to 101 have the instructions you are looking for with the HomeWork board.
Also be aware that servos draw a lot of power so your 9V battery may be weaker than you think.
Since the HomeWork board doesn't have a power switch, you will have to plug in and then remove the 9V battery.
That can get annoying, so I plug in the big lug of the 9V battery and then twist the battery until the little lug touches the other connector.