Simon Says
I am trying to make a program with 4 LED play Simon says. IE a randomly generated light pattern is created each round then the player has to follow the pattern by pushing 4 buttons.
I know my circuit is correct but I cannot get my code correct. Any suggestions?
'{$STAMP BS2} '{$PBASIC 2.5} PAUSE 1000 array VAR Byte(10) counter VAR Word i VAR Nib k VAR Nib j VAR Nib n VAR Nib btn1 VAR Word btn5 VAR Word btn9 VAR Word btn13 VAR Word seed VAR Word btnWrk VAR Word DO WHILE (IN1=0) AND (IN5=0) AND (IN9=0) AND (IN13=0) seed = seed + 1 LOOP FOR k = 0 TO 9 RANDOM seed array (k) = seed //4 DEBUG ? array NEXT GOTO start start: FOR k = 0 TO 9 BRANCH array (k), [check1, check2, check3, check4] NEXT check1: BUTTON 1, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Continue BUTTON 5, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost BUTTON 9, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost BUTTON 13, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost check2: BUTTON 1, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost BUTTON 5, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Continue BUTTON 9, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost BUTTON 13, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost check3: BUTTON 1, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost BUTTON 5, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost BUTTON 9, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Continue BUTTON 13, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost check4: BUTTON 1, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost BUTTON 5, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost BUTTON 9, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Lost BUTTON 13, 1, 255, 5, btnWrk , 0, Continue Continue: DO IF (array(k)=0) THEN HIGH 15 PAUSE 100 LOW 15 PAUSE 100 ELSEIF (array(k)=1) THEN HIGH 11 PAUSE 100 LOW 11 PAUSE 100 ELSEIF (array(k)=2) THEN HIGH 7 PAUSE 100 LOW 7 PAUSE 100 ELSEIF (array(k)=3) THEN HIGH 3 PAUSE 100 LOW 3 ENDIF LOW 15 LOW 11 LOW 7 LOW 3 PAUSE 100 LOOP END Winner: FOR counter = 1 TO 5 HIGH 15 PAUSE 50 LOW 15 HIGH 11 PAUSE 50 LOW 11 HIGH 7 PAUSE 50 LOW 7 HIGH 3 PAUSE 50 LOW 3 NEXT Lost: FOR counter = 1 TO 5 HIGH 15 HIGH 3 HIGH 11 HIGH 7 PAUSE 500 LOW 15 LOW 11 LOW 7 LOW 3 PAUSE 100 NEXT LED1: HIGH 15 PAUSE 250 LOW 15 LED2: HIGH 11 PAUSE 250 LOW 11 LED3: HIGH 7 PAUSE 250 LOW 7 LED4: HIGH 3 PAUSE 250 LOW 3
At first look, there doesn't appear to be any "return" action at the end of Winner, Lost, and LED routines.
As @Erco mentioned in your other post, comments would greatly help understanding.
Also, FYI, double-posting on the Forum is kinda a no-no.
Fixed that.
...does this mean we can now double-post?
I apologize for the double posting. I am new here. thank you for fixing that.
I got a little further. My problem now is that the game always loses. Even when hitting the correct button I lose.
I attached my code.
Nah That's still a no-no.
But the other post is still there...........
And now the other post is gone.
@lynnhh: Did you ever sort this out or do you still need help? Posting a video would be helpful.
I did get it fixed. Thank you for all the suggestions
Chip Gracey wrote a version of Simon for the BS1 that you can probably port or, at the very least, learn from. The BS1 is very trim on resources, so the code is a bit terse (Chip's style); still, it will be valuable to explore and consider.
Tip: Since RANDOM is a PRNG, the only thing you need to know is the starting seed. This allows you to have sequences of any length, and you don't have to store them in an array.
Tip #2: Embrace the use of named constants; it will make your programs easier to read and maintain.
...sooooo, pray tell? How did you fix it?
Inquisitive minds want to know.
I had a bad button. Once I got a replacement it worked.
So, only a bad button? There were no code changes?
Why would you choose a BAD button? Seems best avoided IMO.