Where to find latest firmware for the Parallax WiFi Module?

I'm not sure how I ended up with at least 2 varieties of firmware for the Parallax WiFI Module. On several of the modules, I'm running version: v1.3 (2020-12-17 21:10:29 6-g6c70722)...
On at least one other module, I'm running version: v1.0 (2020-09-02 18:04:49 28-gcb46804).
I've easily found a copy of the "Parallax-ESP.ota" file of v1.0 (2020-09-02 18:04:49 28-gcb46804), but cannot seem to find the .ota file of version 1.3.
I'm asking because in testing the latest flexprop on P2, I get different results in loading binaries with these 2 different WiFi Module firmware versions. The 1.3 version appears to work better at loading binaries from PropLoader (in the latest flexprop)...
Searching the forums for info only got me to my own posting, where I mention an .ota from VonSzarvas, but I do not see a link to the actual file. Hmm...
This the latest official v1.3 .ota file from Parallax Tech Support:
My WX board seems to say it is version 1.4. Is there a newer firmware than 1.3?
Good point !
I can't check the file from Tech support at the moment, but I checked the product page and under downloads they have v1.4
That would be the best option.
Excellent! 1.4 works on each of my 3 WiFi Modules and on each P2 Edge version