Prop2 v35r ide Pnut

in Propeller 2
I have installed this version I am getting that pesky "do you want to search the app store" message again. Went into windows to kill that and it still comes back. Any suggestions?
Found it
It was in an old post of mine. Found through Google.
Use the right click properties compatibility run the compatibility program. Fixes it.
Pilot0315, what version of Windows are you running?
Windows 10 pro. Had the same problem with earlier versions of Pnut. I have not been on the forums for over a year because of work issues. Now am retired and in Arizona. Getting back into the frey. Same Windows version as the last time I had the issue.
So, it looks like they are orienting things toward a controlled system, where any app must come from the app store.
What is this "compatilibility" program about?
I think that's an option that's been around since WinXP days. Amongst other things, it'll switch out the ABI for something older. Possibly not unlike what Wine does.
This how I fixed it two years ago. Forgot how I found this. Probably because Parallax "Equipped My Genius"