jonnymac beginner series code
in Propeller 2
I am looking to download the codes for the series and I am unable find it.
is the code for the series in one folder or
do I have to go through all the posts to find them.
Please help me to find them.
Thank you,
Just go to JonnyMac's Profile page and look for the class you need in his discussions.
And yes you will have to go to each one to get the code.
Since you've started a thread -- and even spelled my name correctly (albeit in LC) -- I'll put links to videos and the code for them here. Hopefully, that will help you and others.
Note: I will will provide fresh archives so that you have the latest code updates to any of my libraries. That doesn't mean that I had time to re-test everything; if a program will archive then in compiles. That is to say that there may be minor changes from what is discussed in the videos.
Part 1:
Part 2:

Part 3

Part 4
Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Thanks for your help.
Thank you very much for posting your lessons.
These lessons are a tremendous help.
Iam a audio/visual learner more than reader.
Looking foreword to download all your lessons and
using them apply to a project of my own.
Thanks again.
PS: spelled your name correctly with propercasing