The Odrive is a pretty hot product:

2 axes with a 8KHz Servo loop (PI)
I have 3 motors running (soon to be 12) with full PID.
I'm not even going to print my single cog numbers until I re-check for the zillionth time. 
I stated many times, during dev...The P2 is the ultimate motion chip. 
What it is and what it has to do with a P2? A P2 controlled 3D printer?
Youtube is being very slow!
It'll be an industrial servo. These things perform dynamic torque/speed/position in small discrete intervals. Like how an electric car runs but usually much higher resolution. They often have a stand alone controller as well as the amplifier and motor and feedback sensors attached to at least the motor and maybe also the machine's structural bearings. All this on a per motor basis.
PS: Each servo collection being called an axis.
I was the pioneer (patent holder) of all-electric CNC tube formers.
I don't build machines anymore, just retrofit controls to existing machines such as this:
Hehe, well, your average bender's hydraulic pump is usually integral and powered from an induction motor ... so, all electric?
OMG! What an amazing machine! Was that video taken at a trade show?
Mickster, are you saying that Odrive is using a P2 chip?
Just finished the Youtube download ... Oh yeah, the speed is impressive. Exceptional stability all round. At first I thought the video was sped up.
EDIT: Ah, it is sped up! Very good camera work!
At one time, it was an "exhaust pipe". Today it's "emission control".
So what was basically a sewer system is now a critical performance component.
Tolerances are ridiculous and just can't be held with hydraulics.
I insulted Boeing when they suggested that I wasn't overly concerned about their tolerances. I blurted out "yeah, you guys are getting pretty close to car exhaust pipes"
If you are familiar with SPC and the typical CPK of 1.67?
My machines just yawned
My early days...attached PDF
Hi Phil, yeah a trade show.
Funny you chirped in because I am playing with the +/- 10V OP-AMP circuitry that you came up with for @JonnyMac...Nice
I command industrial servo drives this way and this is an improvement on my own crude contraption
Hi Chip,
Not at all...The P2 can blow the Odrive out of the water....I have beautiful control over 3 motors right now....P2 is 250MHz... 9 us for all 3 loops combined 🤣😂
Actually, kinda moot. The point is that it is a high performance controller but the P2 will smoke it. P2 will smoke any motion controller out there [throws down the gauntlet]
Mickster: methinks yer turning into just a wee bit of a P2 fanboy.
Now go smoke those ODrive folks right into the weeds and plant the Parallaxian flag atop their smouldering remains! (Oops. That was out loud, wasnt it? Sorry, Mods. Hehehe)
Fanboy is an understatement
What is my Christmas? I can do any darned thing I want because I've always been self employed.
Hmm, a cruise somewhere or attend all kinds of parties? Nope...I have my sleeping bag in the factory and I'm having a P2 Christmas. Some kinda weird-a$$ syndrome I guess but I live/sleep/breathe machine control and people suck because they don't talk MCU. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
I hear ya there! Oddly enough, though, regardless any successes I might have had being self-employed, my mom would always say, "That's nice, dear, but when are you going to get a job?"
R.I.P., Mom, I know you meant well.
An old girlfriend once told me I should go to college so that I could get a real job. At the time, Parallax employed about 12 people. It just occurred to me a few years ago that - wait a minute! - those twelve people all thought THEY had real jobs.
I might be out of step with much of society, but I think the worth of someone’s job is best determined by the contribution they make rather than the money that they earn (sadly these things do not align). So, in my opinion many charity volunteers have ‘real jobs’ while many parasites (e.g. stock and forex market gamblers) don’t.
@"Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)"
Oh, I can't get enough of these stories
Methinks you're out of step, period.
As I attempted to inform @"Ken Gracey",
Parallax happens to be within 1.3 miles of
The P2 can eat their lunch!!!
Reading the avalanche that just happened in this thread, I suddenly realize that my work here is done! Lol!!!
No it ain't. You're at least as excited about this device as I am and you are shipping P2-based product, right?
Ya got me. 😜 @Mickster
But to be clear, mine is a really tiny market, and I likely wont even make beer money off it after everything is said and done. But money was never really the point. Making good “Mischief” was the point.
And yup, I AM durned-Skippy enthused!
The vzbot seems to be raspberry pi powered. It would be nice to see a P2 version.
I don't know but I can assure you that the Pi is not handling the motion. It merely dishes out the data. I do similar but with one of the Micromite-BASIC products. Right now it's the Picomite.
The Odrive looks like it works easily with python, arduino etc..