Propeller Tool 2.6.0 with Floating Point and Sprites Released

in Propeller 2
and download link
Ken Gracey
This is fantastic news!
I just installed the new version and the symbol table size has been increased as requested here. I look forward to using the other new features as well.
Thank you Chip, Ken and Parallax.
I just downloaded the new Prop Tool 2.6.0 version and it boots and works great. It will take me some time to try out all the new features, a great Christmas gift from Chip, Ken and the Parallax team.
For those using my jm_fullduplex_serial.spin2, note that Chip added a debugging output, fdec(), which collides with the method of that name in my object. I have renamed my method to fxdec().
Thanks to Jeff and Chip for getting this out. I'm looking forward to trying the FP instructions.
It was actually Jeff Martin that got this work done for the Propeller Tool.