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Welcome to the Propeller BASIC code category! — Parallax Forums

Welcome to the Propeller BASIC code category!

VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,544
edited 2021-12-09 19:33 in BASIC (for Propeller)

The category for all varieties of BASIC used with the Parallax Propeller 1 and 2.
Supported by the Parallax community.


  • Maybe the heading could be BASIC for Propeller? Otherwise I see Basic Stamp code drifting in here.

  • @whicker said:
    Maybe the heading could be BASIC for Propeller? Otherwise I see Basic Stamp code drifting in here.

    Agreed. Thanks. Done !

  • Oh this just made my day....many thanks :+1:

  • Well...I have been a Basic Stamp user now, going on at least two decades. Then, PropBasic came out 1.48 and I have been using the Propeller since then. My question, that still the latest edition to PropBasic?

    If you are wondering why I use PropBasic, is because it sort of "parallels" the Basic Stamp code. BTW I do miss the BS2sx...that was a truely great processor. Thanks to all

  • @denno said:
    Well...I have been a Basic Stamp user now, going on at least two decades. Then, PropBasic came out 1.48 and I have been using the Propeller since then. My question, that still the latest edition to PropBasic?

    If you are wondering why I use PropBasic, is because it sort of "parallels" the Basic Stamp code. BTW I do miss the BS2sx...that was a truely great processor. Thanks to all

    Hmmm, I was sure that I had 1.48 but all I see on my system is 1.47.

    Not sure what more could be added to PB actually. I still have an affinity for PropBasic but FlexBasic is where it's at now 👍😎👍

    I haven't tested FB on the P1 yet but it makes P2 programming like child's play.

    Actually a great time for BASIC. I like to have a BASIC interpreter commanding my Props and now we have the fully-open-source Micromite BASIC on the RPi Pico (Picomite) and open-source MMBasic 4 Windows 😎


  • 1.48 is the latest in GitHub :
    bin folder has pre-compiled exe. Can't remember what changed, but Github comments should hold the key.. I hope!

  • @VonSzarvas said:
    1.48 is the latest in GitHub :
    bin folder has pre-compiled exe. Can't remember what changed, but Github comments should hold the key.. I hope!

    There are also some very nicely detailed comments in the source code. Bean wrote some excellent, clear, concise code! It's in Pascal (Lazarus and Delphi both compiled it quite nicely). You shouldn't have to recompile - the .exe works fine.

  • Where can i find documentation on the prop mini. Would like it in PDF format please. I cannot do .ZIP....don't story.

    Thanks to all..

  • Hi @denno

    Check out the old Parallax site:

    Under the product, downloads tab. There's a bunch of pdf downloads there, depending on which version of the PropMini you have.

  • Thank you VonSzarvas...What the documentation does not say, is..can I power the Prop Mini with 5 volts at the 5 volt output. I know the Basic stamps can be powered by the 5 volt pin, (pin 21)but not sure with the Prop Mini. All my other projects, with the Prop Mini, I used the Vin 9(pin 24). But, in this case I need to use the 5 volt pin, as the PCB is already made for the BS2sx. With the Basic Stamp, the #4 pin is ground, so I was sure to remove the header pin from the 3.3 volt output, so as not to ground it...duh....!

    Thank you...

  • You can run the PropMini by supplying 5V to the 5Vout pin, provided you keep VIN disconnected.

  • That is what I thought...just wanted to be the basic stamp...thank you....

    Haha...another question...I use Propbasic to program the Prop. It was just easier for me, after using PBASIC for years. I see/read something about "Fastbasic"....any thought or "links" that you might have to steer me into looking that up...again thank you

  • If you mean FlexBASIC, you can find it here: The whole compiler suite is under the FlexProp heading. It is a free and very full-featured BASIC created by ERSmith & Company.

  • The documentation for FlexBASIC is online at ; you can use the little hamburger menu at the top left to navigate the sections of the document.

    Or, even better, you can download the whole package (GUI + documentation) from

    The documentation is a little bit out of date in that it only talks about LMM mode for BASIC. But you can also compile (many) programs to P1 bytecode, which is much smaller albeit slower, thanks to some code contributed by @Wuerfel_21 .

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