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P2 Edge 80-pin Adapter Kit (SKU 64018) — Parallax Forums

P2 Edge 80-pin Adapter Kit (SKU 64018)

VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,339
edited 2021-12-06 15:31 in Propeller 2

Hi everyone !

We might have an opportunity to tweak this adapter PCB before re-stocking.

Are there any thoughts from users of this adapter on how it might be improved ?

I was thinking to swap the two NC and GND pins (which were swapped on the Edge module since this adapter was first designed). That was the two large solder pads at the end of the PCB will become VIN and GROUND (instead of VIN and NC). Makes them useful for crocodile clip connections or running power in with metal standoffs / etc...

Always happy to shortlist any other ideas too ! (even if there's not really much space to do anything much!!)


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