My Next Nextion
in Propeller 2
This is another button screen, no back ground pic just font. Ounce you get the hang of the editor its not too bad. But some of those fancy screens you see on Youtube are a lot of work. Not using an SD card, if I get unzip to work proper I'll put up the .HMI file. This way you can click and it runs the Nextion editor. I have the NX4827T043.
I'll see if my zip works on here.
Seems to work, but first you have to click on the zip, then slide the .HMI file to your desktop, after that open the Nextion editor then open the desktop .HMI file from the editor. Before I would just click on then zip and then click on the .HMI file, to auto open the editor. If I do it that way you get errors.
I have the same device I bought several years ago.
Here is an HMI for you to play with, no micro required.
Cool, Thanks works like a champ
You're right, but I think the time spent is worth it. In my session next week we'll start with internal widgets to test code, and then switch to "fancy" to create something that looks like a commercial product.
My Nextion and P2 are ready to go...looking forward to next week's session. I installed the editor too. Hope to do some pre-session self training on the editor.
The Nextion editor makes development and testing pretty easy -- long before you connect the Propeller to it. As Bob is doing here, start with something simple to get familiar with the widgets and their events. That said, I don't use many of the widgets, and I use my own serial output (as Bob has in his example). I am going to add a note about what you might want to look at in the training thread.
This is another screen I setup, along with Python to show some serial port commands at work.