I want to use pins of the Hacker Port on the S3 robot to communicate with a laser module in I2C.
I’m wondering if using these pins (Hacker Port) for a i2c communication is possible? And if so, is there any examples of how to use the i2c functions?
Check the schematic for the hacker port. If there are pull-ups to Vdd, then, yes, it's I2C-capable. If not, you will have to add a 4.7K pull-up on your chosen SDA line. If your slave device utilizes clock-stretching, you will also have to add a pull-up to SCL.
Based on the schematic that should work just fine.
Looks like these pins are setup to be 5 Volt tolerant so they should work as an I2C input/output.
There are several projects that use I2C. Just need to know what you're talking too.
So P0 through P5 are available.
Do you have a Data Sheet for the laser module?
Thank you for all your answers!
The laser module is the VL53L1X.
I found this datasheet but there is no information about the i2c communication.
Official website : https://www.st.com/en/evaluation-tools/vl53l1x-satel.html#overview
section 4 - Control interface
Sparkfun have a tutorial for the I2C interface -
nice bit of bit banging practice
The one commonly available on ebay
will work to 3.3 or 5v and has pullup resistors
Have fun
This is a very interesting module.
It will take some work to get this to work with the P1. They do not document the registers used by the device but instead supply a driver to be used.
This driver is for the STM processors and would need to be changed to work with the P1. The driver files are in bare metal C code so it would be possible to convert this driver over to the P1.
It might be simpler to use the Parallax Laser Pin sensor.