First you don't need to copy all the libraries into this folder to use them unless they are some special libraries.
SimpleIDE can reference them from the learn folder if need be.
Attached is and update to your project that has the library referenced correctly. The library folder can be deleted in your project then.
Also the error is because of the missing item on the while clause.
Follow with Me withPing.c
#include "servo360.h"
#include "simpletools.h" // Include simpletools header
#include "abdrive360.h" // Include abdrive360 header
#include "ping.h" // Include ping header
#include "sirc.h"
#include "wavplayer.h"
int distance, setPoint, errorVal, kp, speed, button ; // Navigation variables
int main() // main function
setPoint = 32; // Desired cm distance
kp = -10; // Proportional control
drive_setRampStep(6); // 7 ticks/sec / 20 ms
while(1) // main loop
distance = ping_cm(9); // Measure distance
errorVal = setPoint - distance; // Calculate error
speed = kp * errorVal; // Calculate correction speed
if(speed > 128) speed = 128; // Limit top speed
if(speed < -128) speed = -128;
drive_rampStep(speed, speed); // Use result for following
// int button = sirc_button(10);
while (1) <-- this is what is missing
int button = sirc_button(10);
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
} // end switch
// if(button == 1)wav_play("Frosty.wav");
// if(button == 2)wav_play("Loveher.wav");
// if(button == 3)wav_play("Meto.wav");
// if(button == 4)wav_play("Michel.wav");
// int sirc_button (int pin)
// while(1) // Repeat indefinitely
// {
// decoding signal from P10
// print("%c remote button = %d%c", // Display button # decoded
// HOME, sirc_button(9), CLREOL); // from signal on P10
// pause(100);
Thanks for helping me.
The project do compile however the robot only goes straight foreward and
will not respond to the sony remote and will not play any sound
and also does not respond to ping.
While I do not have your setup so debugging the code is difficult.
Once you enter your second while loop it will loop there forever and wait for you to press a button (2, 3, or 4) and play a wave file that is indicated.
A couple of items here.
First you don't need to copy all the libraries into this folder to use them unless they are some special libraries.
SimpleIDE can reference them from the learn folder if need be.
Attached is and update to your project that has the library referenced correctly. The library folder can be deleted in your project then.
Also the error is because of the missing item on the while clause.
Thanks for helping me.
The project do compile however the robot only goes straight foreward and
will not respond to the sony remote and will not play any sound
and also does not respond to ping.
Thanks for your help
While I do not have your setup so debugging the code is difficult.
Once you enter your second while loop it will loop there forever and wait for you to press a button (2, 3, or 4) and play a wave file that is indicated.
Thank you for the help .