Voltmeter for a 8.5V battery and INA219

Hello! I need to build a voltmeter up to 9V to test a battery. I’m going to use “Zio Current and Voltage Sensor - INA219 (Qwiic)” https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15176
I’m familiar with BS1 and BS2 only. I think is time to start learning the BS2pe. I need a piece of code to get me started on this project. I only need to read the voltage of the battery for now. Any help!
Oh Thanks JonnyMac for your advice.
For my applications I use the INA260. It cost a little more but works well.
Hey Mike! I can use that one. Any code to get me started? I just need to read the voltage of 8.5 V battery, apply load and if it goes down below 6V. DEBUG “FAIL”
Thanks for your help
I've used the INA219 in a couple products -- but only with the Propeller. I've attached my P1 object for your review. If you're going to use the BS2, the one of the BS2p series will make things a bit easier as it has I2C commands built in. That said, a FLiP module will cost less and give you more horsepower. Spin is an easy language, and you'll get plenty of support here in the forums.
The code attached is for the Flip? What is P1? Propeller 1?.
Im ordering a Flip. And Im going to need a code to read voltage. Thats what your code does? Will that code work with Flip?
Sorry Im so confused! Thanks
Here is [https://forums.parallax.com/discussion/160975/bs2-code-request-ina-219-current-sensor/p1]BS2 code from a few years ago.
Yes, P1 is an abbreviation for Propeller 1 microcontroller, which is just the chip by itself.
The Flip is a ready-to-run module similar to a BS2 but it USB for communication and programming.
Unlike the BS2, there was only one kind of P1 created, so any P1 will use the same code.
Just be aware that some code may use different I/O pins or run at a different frequency.
Normally the P1 runs at 80 MHz (5 MHz Crystal using a PLL multiplier setting of 16)