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Bs1 with a sensitive to static and noise display — Parallax Forums

Bs1 with a sensitive to static and noise display

Luis_PLuis_P Posts: 246
edited 2021-11-02 20:51 in Propeller 1

Hello! I built a project with seven BS1 microcontrollers controlling many 7-segment displays (SparkFun).
When I turn ON power on the BS1 microcontrollers (5V, 6A) some of the displays can get corrupted and I had to factory reset them all the time. It seems when I power the BS1 something bad is been sent out (TX output) to the display, noise or whatever is causing the display to go crazy. I've installed a power switch now to turn ON the displays 1 minute after I power the BS1 board. So far good but no the best approach.
My BS1 code does not send anything to the display until a button has been pressed.
Is anything else I can do to either protect the displays from this issue?


Part of my code:

SYMBOL Baud = T2400

PAUSE 5000 'wait for Bs1 to initialize properly

IF ProjPin=1 THEN Start ' Projector Relay signal
GOTO CheckSignal

A = 0

SEROUT 1, Baud, ($76, %00000000, $7B, %00000000, $7C, %00000000, $7D, %00000000, $7E, %01101101) ' 5


  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2021-11-03 00:07

    It looks like your start button and serial output are on the same pin (1).

    1. Put a pull-up on the serial pin to set that line into the idle state as soon as the BS1 has power
    2. Debounce you button input to prevent false starts. There should be a pull-down on the input pin

    10K is fine for the pull-up and pull-down

    I'm nutty about program formatting -- here's how I would do your project.

    ' =========================================================================
    '   File......
    '   Purpose...
    '   Author....
    '   E-mail....
    '   Started...
    '   Updated...
    '   {$STAMP BS1}
    '   {$PBASIC 1.0}
    ' =========================================================================
    ' -----[ Program Description ]---------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ Revision History ]------------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  SOut            = 7                     ' serial to display
    SYMBOL  Trigger         = PIN6
    ' -----[ Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  Baud            = T2400
    SYMBOL  IsOn            = 1                     ' for active-high in/out
    SYMBOL  IsOff           = 0
    ' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  timer           = B2
    ' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
      PINS = %10000000                              ' P7 is high to start
      DIRS = %10000000                              ' P7 is output
      timer = 0                                     ' reset timer
    ' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
      PAUSE 5                                       ' loop pad
      timer = timer + 5 * Trigger                   ' update timer
      IF timer < 50 THEN Main                       ' wait for 50ms input
      SEROUT SOut, Baud, ($76, %00000000, $7B, %00000000, $7C, %00000000)
      SEROUT SOut, Baud, ($7D, %00000000, $7E, %01101101)
      PAUSE 5000                                    ' no new start for 5s
      GOTO Main                                     ' back to top
    ' -----[ Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ User Data ]-------------------------------------------------------
  • Hey JonnyMac!
    Sorry the pin for start button and serial output are not the same. I just made a typo mistake when posting my question :(.
    You mentioned to Put a pull-up on the serial pin. Like this?
    BS1 TXpin. --------/\/\/------ GND
    BS1 TXpin. ---------------------RX Display

    By the way my button has a pulldown already. How do I do a pullup resistor connection on the serial output?


    @JonnyMac said:
    It looks like your start button and serial output are on the same pin (1).

    1. Put a pull-up on the serial pin to set that line into the idle state as soon as the BS1 has power
    2. Debounce you button input to prevent false starts. There should be a pull-down on the input pin

    10K is fine for the pull-up and pull-down

    I'm nutty about program formatting -- here's how I would do your project.

    ' =========================================================================
    '   File......
    '   Purpose...
    '   Author....
    '   E-mail....
    '   Started...
    '   Updated...
    '   {$STAMP BS1}
    '   {$PBASIC 1.0}
    ' =========================================================================
    ' -----[ Program Description ]---------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ Revision History ]------------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  SOut            = 7                     ' serial to display
    SYMBOL  Trigger         = PIN6
    ' -----[ Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  Baud            = T2400
    SYMBOL  IsOn            = 1                     ' for active-high in/out
    SYMBOL  IsOff           = 0
    ' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  timer           = B2
    ' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
      PINS = %10000000                              ' P7 is output
      DIRS = %10000000                              ' P7 is high to start
      timer = 0                                     ' reset timer
    ' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
      PAUSE 5                                       ' loop pad
      timer = timer + 5 * Trigger                   ' update timer
      IF timer < 50 THEN Main                       ' wait for 50ms input
      SEROUT SOut, Baud, ($76, %00000000, $7B, %00000000, $7C, %00000000)
      SEROUT SOut, Baud, ($7D, %00000000, $7E, %01101101)
      PAUSE 5000                                    ' no new start for 5s
      GOTO Main                                     ' back to top
    ' -----[ Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ User Data ]-------------------------------------------------------
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2021-11-02 21:25

    A resistor to ground is a pull-down. The resistor on the RX display line should be pulled up to Vdd.


  • @"Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)" said:
    A resistor to ground is a pull-down. The resistor on the RX display line should be pulled up to Vdd.


    Hi Phil Thanks for your help. Please se my diagram, that's the way should be? The RX pin on the display has a 10K resistor to VDD ?

  • What this means?
    PINS = %10000000 ' P7 is output
    DIRS = %10000000 ' P7 is high to start

    How that works? what is it for?

    @JonnyMac said:
    It looks like your start button and serial output are on the same pin (1).

    1. Put a pull-up on the serial pin to set that line into the idle state as soon as the BS1 has power
    2. Debounce you button input to prevent false starts. There should be a pull-down on the input pin

    10K is fine for the pull-up and pull-down

    I'm nutty about program formatting -- here's how I would do your project.

    ' =========================================================================
    '   File......
    '   Purpose...
    '   Author....
    '   E-mail....
    '   Started...
    '   Updated...
    '   {$STAMP BS1}
    '   {$PBASIC 1.0}
    ' =========================================================================
    ' -----[ Program Description ]---------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ Revision History ]------------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  SOut            = 7                     ' serial to display
    SYMBOL  Trigger         = PIN6
    ' -----[ Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  Baud            = T2400
    SYMBOL  IsOn            = 1                     ' for active-high in/out
    SYMBOL  IsOff           = 0
    ' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  timer           = B2
    ' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
      PINS = %10000000                              ' P7 is output
      DIRS = %10000000                              ' P7 is high to start
      timer = 0                                     ' reset timer
    ' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
      PAUSE 5                                       ' loop pad
      timer = timer + 5 * Trigger                   ' update timer
      IF timer < 50 THEN Main                       ' wait for 50ms input
      SEROUT SOut, Baud, ($76, %00000000, $7B, %00000000, $7C, %00000000)
      SEROUT SOut, Baud, ($7D, %00000000, $7E, %01101101)
      PAUSE 5000                                    ' no new start for 5s
      GOTO Main                                     ' back to top
    ' -----[ Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------
    ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ User Data ]-------------------------------------------------------
  • Hi Phil Thanks for your help. Please se my diagram, that's the way should be? The RX pin on the display has a 10K resistor to VDD?



  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2021-11-03 00:06
      PINS = %10000000                              ' P7 is high to start
      DIRS = %10000000                              ' P7 is output

    This section of code presets all the IO pins. Since the serial line (P7 in my code) should be high as soon as possible so you don't get false data to the display, this puts that line in the idle state. When SEROUT runs it will leave the pin high as that is the idle state of True mode serial. There are other ways to do this; I prefer this style because it assumes nothing and lets us see how the pins will be initialized

    Since the BS1 presets all pins to inputs, you could do this:

      HIGH SOut

    What's important is to get the serial line high ASAP. Using the pull-up makes this happen automatically -- though it doesn't hurt to do it code as well.

  • How about:
    Is that necessary? I read the manual and says I should tell the BS1 what pins are an output to use serout.

    @JonnyMac said:

      PINS = %10000000                              ' P7 is high to start
      DIRS = %10000000                              ' P7 is output

    This section of code presets all the IO pins. Since the serial line (P7 in my code) should be high as soon as possible so you don't get false data to the display, this puts that line in the idle state. When SEROUT runs it will leave the pin high as that is the idle state of True mode serial. There are other ways to do this; I prefer this style because it assumes nothing and lets us see how the pins will be initialized

    Since the BS1 presets all pins to inputs, you could do this:

      HIGH SOut

    What's important is to get the serial line high ASAP. Using the pull-up makes this happen automatically -- though it doesn't hurt to do it code as well.

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2021-11-03 16:12

    How about:

    That will set P0 or P1 to output mode, without setting the state, so it will probably be low. This is a subtle thing that often gets newcomers. When you use PIN7 you're asking for the state of P7. If you want to make P7 high without affecting anything else, do this:

      HIGH 7

    That said, you should name your pins with the SYMBOL directive (as I did above) so that your code makes better sense to others. Naming pins is a good habit to get into. I know the BS1 only has 8 off them, but I'm asking you to trust me on this.

    Is that necessary? I read the manual and says I should tell the BS1 what pins are an output to use serout.

    Yes, I know. That said, the BS1 won't put the pin into output state until SEROUT is used -- this means that pin would be in an unknown state (which could cause problems) until you press a button. One goal of any design is to ensure that any output is in a known state.

    I've been coding the BS1 since 1994 and have written 100s of programs, many of them for the BS1-based Prop-1 controller (from EFX-TEK, a company I used to design circuits for) that is popular with Halloween and Christmas decorators, and even used in major theme parks like Disneyland. If you go through the Haunted Mansion and Disneyland when the "Nightmare Before Christmas" decorations are up, many of the little extra decorations are controlled by the BS1. All this is to say is that you can trust my guidance on the BS1; I will not steer you wrong.

  • JonnyMac please please look at my final code. Im using 5 pins total 2 are output and 3 are inputs. This is an automation for a Dine in Movie Theater by the way:


    SYMBOL A = W0
    SYMBOL Baud = T2400
    SYMBOL Trigger = PIN0
    SYMBOL SOut1 = 1
    SYMBOL SOut2 = 3

    HIGH SOut1
    HIGH SOut2

    ‘ these lines removed per JonnyMac suggestion
    ‘OUTPUT SOut1
    ‘OUTPUT SOut2

    A = 0

    PAUSE 5 ' loop pad
    A = A + 5 * Trigger ' update timer
    IF A < 50 THEN CheckStatus ' wait for 50ms input

    SEROUT SOut1, Baud, ($7B, %00000000, $7C, %00000000, $7D, %00000000, $7E, %01101101) ' 5

    By the way I solder a 10K resistor on the RX display to VDD.
    You don’t have idea how much I appreciate your help jonnyMac!!!!

    @JonnyMac said:

    How about:

    That will set P0 or P1 to output mode, without setting the state, so it will probably be low. This is a subtle thing that often gets newcomers. When you use PIN7 you're asking for the state of P7. If you want to make P7 high without affecting anything else, do this:

      HIGH 7

    That said, you should name your pins with the SYMBOL directive (as I did above) so that your code makes better sense to others. Naming pins is a good habit to get into. I know the BS1 only has 8 off them, but I'm asking you to trust me on this.

    Is that necessary? I read the manual and says I should tell the BS1 what pins are an output to use serout.

    Yes, I know. That said, the BS1 won't put the pin into output state until SEROUT is used -- this means that pin would be in an unknown state (which could cause problems) until you press a button. One goal of any design is to ensure that any output is in a known state.

    I've been coding the BS1 since 1994 and have written 100s of programs, many of them for the BS1-based Prop-1 controller (from EFX-TEK, a company I used to design circuits for) that is popular with Halloween and Christmas decorators, and even used in major theme parks like Disneyland. If you go through the Haunted Mansion and Disneyland when the "Nightmare Before Christmas" decorations are up, many of the little extra decorations are controlled by the BS1. All this is to say is that you can trust my guidance on the BS1; I will not steer you wrong.

  • Luis,

    I like to be jokey with a point -- a common phrase is use with clients is, "The root word of specification is specific!"

    I am happy to help you with your code. What I don't need is your old code. What I do need is a description (in English, not code) of what is supposed to happen. You should include:

    1) Number of inputs and type (e.g., button)
    2) Number of outputs and behavior (simple high or low, or signal like SEROUT)
    3) Is anything special suppose to happen on start up (e.g., with a display)

    You have this list in your code:


    Are these all of the IOs for the project? Are you wanting to look at multiple inputs (3) and control multiple (2) outputs? Be clear and complete. Piecemealing when you ask for help can lead to frustrations for those trying to help you. If we know the WHOLE story up front, that will drive the design of code. And... are you willing to change IO assignments? It's okay if you're not, but I think the code is neater and cleaner when IOs are assigned in an organized manner.

  • JonnyMac. Thanks again for your help. Understanding what we are going to use this for is kind of hard but I will try to explain.
    In a dine in Movie Theater we have to go at the end of the movie and drop customers checks (receipts) and then bussers needs to go and clean. We have 7 Auditoriums. Each movie projector have relays (normally open) that we can use for automations. When the movie start showing the trailers the projector will close the relay. Pin 0 on my BS1 will detect (pull down resistor) and send commands to one of the displays (PIN 1) showing number 5 indicating we have 5 minutes to drop checks. After 5 minutes another display will show number 0 (PIN 3) and will count up to 10 so bussers have an idea when to go clean. The other 2 pins (PIN 2 and PIN 4) are buttons for us to press to clear the display when we completed the task. I know is hard to understand but works for us! Im using only 5 pins per each BS1 (total 7).

    Each BS1 uses pin 0 waiting for the projector to close the relay. Pin 1 is the display showing time servers have to go and drop checks. Pin 2 is a button to clear the server timer display. Pin 3 is the display showing the time for the bussers to go and clean and finally Pin 4 is a button to clear the bussers display.

    @JonnyMac said:

    I like to be jokey with a point -- a common phrase is use with clients is, "The root word of specification is specific!"

    I am happy to help you with your code. What I don't need is your old code. What I do need is a description (in English, not code) of what is supposed to happen. You should include:

    1) Number of inputs and type (e.g., button)
    2) Number of outputs and behavior (simple high or low, or signal like SEROUT)
    3) Is anything special suppose to happen on start up (e.g., with a display)

    You have this list in your code:


    Are these all of the IOs for the project? Are you wanting to look at multiple inputs (3) and control multiple (2) outputs? Be clear and complete. Piecemealing when you ask for help can lead to frustrations for those trying to help you. If we know the WHOLE story up front, that will drive the design of code. And... are you willing to change IO assignments? It's okay if you're not, but I think the code is neater and cleaner when IOs are assigned in an organized manner.

  • Let me see if I understand.
    -- P0 (from relay) starts 5-minute countdown on the checks display?
    -- After the 5-minute countdown that display (checks) is cleared?
    -- The bussing display counts from 1 to 10? What is the delay between digits? Also 1 minute?

  • After the 5 min countdown the display shows “Out” then the bussing display starts at cero. Yes 1 min delay.
    I still have problems with some display loosing the baud rate when power up and I have to do a factory reset on them. Either the display are defective or something is causing the displays to go nuts.

    @JonnyMac said:
    Let me see if I understand.
    -- P0 (from relay) starts 5-minute countdown on the checks display?
    -- After the 5-minute countdown that display (checks) is cleared?
    -- The bussing display counts from 1 to 10? What is the delay between digits? Also 1 minute?

  • Is everything sequential? Do you have to clear "Out" before you can start the bussing timer?

  • No I don’t have to clear “out” everything is sequential. But after 20 min count the displays clear and shows a dot on the last digit then all start over again. Do you think because I have all displays hook up together for power is that an issue?

    @JonnyMac said:
    Is everything sequential? Do you have to clear "Out" before you can start the bussing timer?

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2021-11-03 22:52

    I don't know. One of the most difficult tasks of helping someone on the forums is really understanding what they're after. During my breaks this afternoon, I knocked together this code. It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but possibly close enough to modify for your needs.

    ' =========================================================================
    '   File...... theatre_control.bs1
    '   Purpose...
    '   Author.... Jon McPhalen
    '   E-mail....
    '   Started...
    '   Updated... 03 NOV 2021
    '   {$STAMP BS1}
    '   {$PBASIC 1.0}
    ' =========================================================================
    ' -----[ Program Description ]---------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ Revision History ]------------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL Clr_Bussing      = PIN4                  ' 10K pull-down
    SYMBOL Bussing          = 3                     ' 10K pull-up
    SYMBOL Clr_Serving      = PIN2                  ' 10K pull-down
    SYMBOL Serving          = 1                     ' 10K pull-up
    SYMBOL Proj_Relay       = PIN0                  ' 10K pull-down
    ' -----[ Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  BAUD            = T2400
    SYMBOL  IS_ON           = 1                     ' for active-high in/out
    SYMBOL  IS_OFF          = 0
    ' digit maps              %0gfedcba
    SYMBOL  DIG_0           = %00111111
    SYMBOL  DIG_1           = %00000110
    SYMBOL  DIG_2           = %01011011
    SYMBOL  DIG_3           = %01001111
    SYMBOL  DIG_4           = %01100110
    SYMBOL  DIG_5           = %01101101
    SYMBOL  DIG_6           = %01111101
    SYMBOL  DIG_7           = %00000111
    SYMBOL  DIG_8           = %01111111
    SYMBOL  DIG_9           = %01100111
    SYMBOL  LTR_u           = %00011100
    SYMBOL  LTR_t           = %01111000
    ' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  display         = B2                    ' serial pin for display
    SYMBOL  timer           = B3
    ' for displays
    SYMBOL  cols01          = W4
    SYMBOL   col0           =  B8
    SYMBOL   col1           =  B9
    SYMBOL  cols23          = W5
    SYMBOL   col2           =  B10
    SYMBOL   col3           =  B11
    ' Warning: Do not use B12, B13, or W6
    ' -- used for subroutine stack
    ' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
      PINS = %00001010                              ' set serial pins to idle
      DIRS = %00001010
      cols01 = 0                                    ' all segments off
      cols23 = 0
      FOR display = Serving TO Bussing
        GOSUB Update_Display
        PAUSE 10
    ' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
      timer = 0
      PAUSE 5
      timer = timer + 5 * Proj_Relay
      IF timer < 50 THEN Wait_For_Serving
      display = Serving
      FOR timer = 5 TO 1 STEP -1
        READ timer, col0                            ' convert to digit map
        GOSUB Update_Display
        PAUSE 60000                                 ' wait 1 minute
      col1 = DIG_0                                  ' display [ Out]
      col2 = LTR_u
      col3 = LTR_t
      GOSUB Update_Display
    ' timer = 0
    ' Wait_To_Clear_Serving:
    '   PAUSE 5
    '   timer = timer + 5 * Clr_Serving
    '   IF timer < 50 THEN Wait_To_Clear_Serving
      cols01 = 0                                    ' clear server display
      cols23 = 0
      GOSUB Update_Display
    Bussing_Timer:                                  ' count 0 to 9
      display = Bussing
      FOR timer = 1 TO 9
        READ timer, col3
        GOSUB Update_Display
        PAUSE 60000                                 ' wait 1 minute
      READ 1, col2                                  ' stop at 10
      READ 0, col3
      GOSUB Update_Display
    ' Wait_To_Clear_Bussing:
    '   PAUSE 5
    '   timer = timer + 5 * Clr_Bussing
    '   IF timer < 50 THEN Wait_To_Clear_Bussing
      GOTO Reset
    ' -----[ Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------
    ' Set display to pin for SEROUT
      SEROUT display, BAUD, ($7B, col0, $7C, col1, $7D, col2, $7E, col3)
    ' -----[ User Data ]-------------------------------------------------------
  • JonnyMac Thank you very much! for this. I test the code and for some reason PIN2 is always HIGH.
    I test the button with other code and works fine but when I run yours the state is always 1 (High) Why is that? the other PINS works fine. Only PIN2.

    @JonnyMac said:
    I don't know. One of the most difficult tasks of helping someone on the forums is really understanding what they're after. During my breaks this afternoon, I knocked together this code. It may not be exactly what you're looking for, but possibly close enough to modify for your needs.

    ' =========================================================================
    '   File...... theatre_control.bs1
    '   Purpose...
    '   Author.... Jon McPhalen
    '   E-mail....
    '   Started...
    '   Updated... 03 NOV 2021
    '   {$STAMP BS1}
    '   {$PBASIC 1.0}
    ' =========================================================================
    ' -----[ Program Description ]---------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ Revision History ]------------------------------------------------
    ' -----[ I/O Definitions ]-------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL Clr_Bussing      = PIN4                  ' 10K pull-down
    SYMBOL Bussing          = 3                     ' 10K pull-up
    SYMBOL Clr_Serving      = PIN2                  ' 10K pull-down
    SYMBOL Serving          = 1                     ' 10K pull-up
    SYMBOL Proj_Relay       = PIN0                  ' 10K pull-down
    ' -----[ Constants ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  BAUD            = T2400
    SYMBOL  IS_ON           = 1                     ' for active-high in/out
    SYMBOL  IS_OFF          = 0
    ' digit maps              %0gfedcba
    SYMBOL  DIG_0           = %00111111
    SYMBOL  DIG_1           = %00000110
    SYMBOL  DIG_2           = %01011011
    SYMBOL  DIG_3           = %01001111
    SYMBOL  DIG_4           = %01100110
    SYMBOL  DIG_5           = %01101101
    SYMBOL  DIG_6           = %01111101
    SYMBOL  DIG_7           = %00000111
    SYMBOL  DIG_8           = %01111111
    SYMBOL  DIG_9           = %01100111
    SYMBOL  LTR_u           = %00011100
    SYMBOL  LTR_t           = %01111000
    ' -----[ Variables ]-------------------------------------------------------
    SYMBOL  display         = B2                    ' serial pin for display
    SYMBOL  timer           = B3
    ' for displays
    SYMBOL  cols01          = W4
    SYMBOL   col0           =  B8
    SYMBOL   col1           =  B9
    SYMBOL  cols23          = W5
    SYMBOL   col2           =  B10
    SYMBOL   col3           =  B11
    ' Warning: Do not use B12, B13, or W6
    ' -- used for subroutine stack
    ' -----[ Initialization ]--------------------------------------------------
      PINS = %00001010                              ' set serial pins to idle
      DIRS = %00001010
      cols01 = 0                                    ' all segments off
      cols23 = 0
      FOR display = Serving TO Bussing
        GOSUB Update_Display
        PAUSE 10
    ' -----[ Program Code ]----------------------------------------------------
      timer = 0
      PAUSE 5
      timer = timer + 5 * Proj_Relay
      IF timer < 50 THEN Wait_For_Serving
      display = Serving
      FOR timer = 5 TO 1 STEP -1
        READ timer, col0                            ' convert to digit map
        GOSUB Update_Display
        PAUSE 60000                                 ' wait 1 minute
      col1 = DIG_0                                  ' display [ Out]
      col2 = LTR_u
      col3 = LTR_t
      GOSUB Update_Display
    ' timer = 0
    ' Wait_To_Clear_Serving:
    '   PAUSE 5
    '   timer = timer + 5 * Clr_Serving
    '   IF timer < 50 THEN Wait_To_Clear_Serving
      cols01 = 0                                    ' clear server display
      cols23 = 0
      GOSUB Update_Display
    Bussing_Timer:                                  ' count 0 to 9
      display = Bussing
      FOR timer = 1 TO 9
        READ timer, col3
        GOSUB Update_Display
        PAUSE 60000                                 ' wait 1 minute
      READ 1, col2                                  ' stop at 10
      READ 0, col3
      GOSUB Update_Display
    ' Wait_To_Clear_Bussing:
    '   PAUSE 5
    '   timer = timer + 5 * Clr_Bussing
    '   IF timer < 50 THEN Wait_To_Clear_Bussing
      GOTO Reset
    ' -----[ Subroutines ]-----------------------------------------------------
    ' Set display to pin for SEROUT
      SEROUT display, BAUD, ($7B, col0, $7C, col1, $7D, col2, $7E, col3)
    ' -----[ User Data ]-------------------------------------------------------
  • I test the code and for some reason PIN2 is always HIGH.

    I don't know why that is. As you can see in the reset section, that pin is defined as an input (PIN2 is 3rd from right).

      PINS = %00001010                              ' set serial pins to idle
      DIRS = %00001010

    Did you modify this section? I looked through the listing and there is no use of HIGH anywhere; the only time PIN2 (aliased as Clr_Bussing) is used is in a switch debounce routine.

    This is not my preferred style, but you could change reset to look like this to prevent accidents with bit alignment in the PINS and DIRS statements.

      HIGH Serving                                  ' set serial pins to idle
      HIGH Bussing
  • Strange. See my picture. Thats how I have my buttons pull down circuit:

    @JonnyMac said:

    I test the code and for some reason PIN2 is always HIGH.

    I don't know why that is. As you can see in the reset section, that pin is defined as an input (PIN2 is 3rd from right).

      PINS = %00001010                              ' set serial pins to idle
      DIRS = %00001010

    Did you modify this section? I looked through the listing and there is no use of HIGH anywhere; the only time PIN2 (aliased as Clr_Bussing) is used is in a switch debounce routine.

    This is not my preferred style, but you could change reset to look like this to prevent accidents with bit alignment in the PINS and DIRS statements.

      HIGH Serving                                  ' set serial pins to idle
      HIGH Bussing
  • One of the things I frequently tell my clients is to test hardware in isolation before moving to the application.

    Modify the top of your program like this -- just temporarily -- to check the buttons in isolation.

      ' test code
      PAUSE 250
      IF Clr_Serving = IS_OFF THEN Check_Btn2
        DEBUG "Clear Serving button is pressed", CR
      IF Clr_Bussing = IS_OFF THEN Main
        DEBUG "Clear Bussing button is pressed", CR
      GOTO Main
      ' end of test code
  • JonnyMac:
    When I remove this line at the top the program works fine and all the buttons works:
    'FOR display = Serving TO Bussing
    'GOSUB Update_Display
    'PAUSE 10
    I have no idea why this routine make PIN2 high..... but I don't think I need that line.
    BTW what city are you in? When this is done I will like you to see it in action..... and free movie tickets... :)

    @JonnyMac said:
    One of the things I frequently tell my clients is to test hardware in isolation before moving to the application.

    Modify the top of your program like this -- just temporarily -- to check the buttons in isolation.

      ' test code
      PAUSE 250
      IF Clr_Serving = IS_OFF THEN Check_Btn2
        DEBUG "Clear Serving button is pressed", CR
      IF Clr_Bussing = IS_OFF THEN Main
        DEBUG "Clear Bussing button is pressed", CR
      GOTO Main
      ' end of test code
  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2021-11-04 20:11

    Okay, I know what's happening. Change the reset section to this:

      PINS = %00001010                              ' set serial pins to idle
      DIRS = %00001010
      cols01 = 0                                    ' all segments off
      cols23 = 0
      display = Serving                             ' clear serving display
      GOSUB Update_Display
      display = Bussing                             ' clear bussing display
      GOSUB Update_Display

    I wrote the original code with my style of grouping input and output pin in separate sections of the IO map.

    BTW what city are you in? When this is done I will like you to see it in action..... and free movie tickets... :)

    I'm in Burbank -- and literally live within a few minutes drive of Disney Studio, Warner Brothers Studio, and Universal Studios (places where movies are made).

  • Hi JonnyMac. Still makes PIN2 go high. Instead I have to do this to clear the display:

    col0 = 0
    col1 = 0
    col2 = 0
    col3 = 0
    display = Serving
    GOSUB Update_Display
    display = Bussing
    GOSUB Update_Display


    @JonnyMac said:
    Okay, I know what's happening. Change the reset section to this:

      PINS = %00001010                              ' set serial pins to idle
      DIRS = %00001010
      cols01 = 0                                    ' all segments off
      cols23 = 0
      display = Serving                             ' clear serving display
      GOSUB Update_Display
      display = Bussing                             ' clear bussing display
      GOSUB Update_Display

    I wrote the original code with my style of grouping input and output pin in separate sections of the IO map.

    BTW what city are you in? When this is done I will like you to see it in action..... and free movie tickets... :)

    I'm in Burbank -- and literally live within a few minutes drive of Disney Studio, Warner Brothers Studio, and Universal Studios (places where movies are made).

  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,225
    edited 2021-11-05 14:17

    I think you missed something in testing. These lines:

      col0 = 0
      col1 = 0
      col2 = 0
      col3 = 0

    do exactly the same thing as:

      cols01 = 0                                    ' all segments off
      cols23 = 0

    -- just in more steps. The variable cols01 is a word (16 bits) that is made up of col0 (8 bits) and col1 (8 bits). The BS1 has a tiny memory, and this strategy (setting two bytes with one line of code) is often used to save code space.

  • For some inexplicable reason it makes Pin2 to go High. The other way doesn’t… weird!

    @JonnyMac said:
    I think you missed something in testing. These lines:

      col0 = 0
      col1 = 0
      col2 = 0
      col3 = 0

    do exactly the same thing as:

      cols01 = 0                                    ' all segments off
      cols23 = 0

    -- just in more steps. The variable cols01 is a word (16 bits) that is made up of col0 (8 bits) and col1 (8 bits). The BS1 has a tiny memory, and this strategy (setting two bytes with one line of code) is often used to save code space.

  • Very weird since neither of those variables are connected to PINS or DIRS.

  • Over the weekend I went to see "Finch" (my friend Rick built, programmed, and puppeteered the robot called Dewey) at the Alamo Draft House in DTLA. I was reminded of your project because the servers brought our food checks just before the end of the film.

  • JonnyMac!
    I couldn’t have done without your help! Before, with my code, the displays were getting crazy when powering up and had to factory reset them all the time. Even with the pull-up resistor installed on the RX line. Now with your code help everything is normal and working perfect. I think this piece of code at the beginning fixed the problem:

    PINS = %00001010 DIRS = %00001010

    This project is very important to know when to drop checks and when to go clean. Simple but very effective.
    I have modified the code to have the buttons show “in” when pressed. To let other servers know someone already went to drop checks or clean.
    Was very fun to build this even if I didn’t get paid for it, I did it just for fun. Im a server at the Pruneyard CINEMAS.
    Thanks JonnyMac!!!!

    @JonnyMac said:
    Over the weekend I went to see "Finch" (my friend Rick built, programmed, and puppeteered the robot called Dewey) at the Alamo Draft House in DTLA. I was reminded of your project because the servers brought our food checks just before the end of the film.

  • @JonnyMac said:
    Over the weekend I went to see "Finch" (my friend Rick built, programmed, and puppeteered the robot called Dewey) at the Alamo Draft House in DTLA. I was reminded of your project because the servers brought our food checks just before the end of the film.

    Sorry, I was confused by this and had to translate what it meant..."Finch" is a new movie starring Tom Hanks, streaming (for most of us) on Apple TV+. Tom Hanks is an engineer in a post-apocalyptic time who builds a robot named "Dewey" - the same name as one of the robots in Silent Running, which I saw on TV when I was a kid. Thus the confusion.

    Check out the trailer on YouTube, the movie looks fun, and the work with the robot is terrific!

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