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flexBASIC COG(cpu) crash — Parallax Forums

flexBASIC COG(cpu) crash

I am having a problem with my sub data_log COG(cpu), when I run the program it seems to be crashing the program, I think.

I am not sure what is creating the program crash, is it something in the data_log cpu or is it somewhere else. Not even sure as to how to setup a debug to check this out. Maybe somebody can spot the problem, that I am missing.



' solsta5.bas
' Oct 11, 2021

dim rpi as class using "spin/SmartSerial.spin"
dim adc_ez as class using "jm_analog_in.spin2"

'' Comms
''Connect to the Raspberry Pi 4
Open SendRecvDevice(@rpi.tx,@rpi.rx) as #2

const HEAPSIZE = 8192

'' Filesystem
mount "/host", _vfs_open_host()

'' Variables
dim inBuff as string
dim shared dlc%

dim shared val1#,val2#,val3#,val4#
dim shared test#,test1#,test2#,test3#,test4#
' Time
dim as ubyte hours, mins, secs
' Date
dim shared as ubyte MM, DD
dim shared as integer YYYY
dim s$
dim shared date as string
dim shared timeit as string
dim shared time as string
dim shared startt as string
dim shared datet as string

dim shared a%, b%, c%

dlc% = 0

'' Stack
dim stack_dl(512)
dim stack_external_sensors(256)
dim td_stack(10)

'' Main
var a = cpu(data_log(),@stack_dl(1))
var b = cpu(external_sensors(),@stack_external_sensors(1))

    print #2, "> ";
    input #2, inBuff
    if inBuff = "startlog" then
        dlc% = 1
    else if inBuff = "stoplog" then
        dlc% = 0
    else if inBuff = "setclock" then
        input #2, "Enter year month day as YYYY-MM-DD ", s$
        YYYY = val(left$(s$, 4))
        MM = val(mid$(s$, 6, 2))
        DD = val(right$(s$, 2)) 
        input #2, "Enter time as hh:mm:ss ", s$
        hours = val(left$(s$, 2))
        mins = val(mid$(s$, 4, 2))
        secs = val(right$(s$, 2))
        pausems 250
        var x = cpu(updateClock, @td_stack(1))
    else if inBuff = "date" then
        print #2, "New Date (y)";
        input #2, inBuff
        if inBuff = "y" then
            input #2, "Enter year month day as YYYY-MM-DD ", s$
            YYYY = val(left$(s$, 4))
            MM = val(mid$(s$, 6, 2))
            DD = val(right$(s$, 2)) 
            print #2, using "%%/%%/####"; MM; DD; YYYY
        end if
    else if inBuff = "time" then
        print #2, "New Time (y)";
        input #2, inBuff
        if inBuff = "y" then
            input #2, "Enter time as hh:mm:ss ", s$
            hours = val(left$(s$, 2))
            mins = val(mid$(s$, 4, 2))
            secs = val(right$(s$, 2))
            print #2, using "##:%%:%%"; hours, mins, secs
        end if

        print #2, "??"
    end if

print #2, "program Ended!"
close #2
close #3

sub data_log()

' Check to see if dlc% is on=1 or off=0
    if dlc% = 1 then
        open "/host/solsta.csv" for append as #3
        print #3, using "%%/%%/####,"; MM, DD, YYYY;
        print #3, using "##:%%:%%,"; hours, mins, secs;
        print #3, "BA, ";
        print #3, val1#
        close #3
        open "/host/solsta.csv" for append as #3
        print #3, using "%%/%%/####,"; MM, DD, YYYY;
        print #3, using "##:%%:%%,"; hours, mins, secs;
        print #3, "P1, ";
        print #3, val3#
        close #3
        pausems 1000
    end if
    pausems 1000


end sub
sub external_sensors()
'a% = 1

    'b% = a%+b%
    'pausems 1000
' Battery array
    adc_ez.start(8, 0, 100)  '' This uses P9
    pausems 250
    test# = (adc_ez.readit()/1)
    test1# = ((test# * 3.3)/100)
    val1# = (test1# * 5.04597)

' DC power
    adc_ez.start(9, 0, 100)  '' This uses P9
    pausems 250
    test3# = (adc_ez.readit()/1)
    test2# = ((test3# * 3.3)/100)
    val3# = (test2# * 5.25291)


end sub

'' Helper subroutine; return number of days in month.
function daysInMonth() as uinteger
  ' february special case
  if MM = 2 then
    if (YYYY mod 4 = 0) then
      if (YYYY mod 100 <> 0) or (YYYY mod 1000 = 0) then
        return 29
    return 28
  if (MM = 4) or (MM=6) or (MM=9) or (MM=11) return 30
  return 31
end function

' cpu (COG)
'' Routine to keep the clock up to date.
sub updateClock
  dim nextSecond

  FREQUENCY = clkfreq
  nextSecond = getcnt() + FREQUENCY
    nextSecond = nextSecond + FREQUENCY
    secs = secs + 1
    if (secs >= 60) then
      secs = 0
      mins = mins + 1
      if (mins >= 60) then
        mins = 0
    hours = hours + 1
    if (hours >= 24) then
      hours = 0
      DD = DD + 1
    if (DD > daysInMonth()) then
      DD = 1
      MM = MM + 1
      if (MM > 12) then
        MM = 1
    YYYY = YYYY + 1
end sub


10/11/2021, 9:23:07,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:07,P1, 13.348
10/11/2021, 9:23:09,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:09,P1, 13.348
10/11/2021, 9:23:11,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:11,P1, 13.348
10/11/2021, 9:23:13,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:13,P1, 13.348
10/11/2021, 9:23:16,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:16,P1, 13.521
10/11/2021, 9:23:18,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:18,P1, 13.521
10/11/2021, 9:23:20,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:20,P1, 13.348
10/11/2021, 9:23:22,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:22,P1, 13.348
10/11/2021, 9:23:24,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:24,P1, 13.521
10/11/2021, 9:23:26,BA, 13.155
10/11/2021, 9:23:26,P1, 13.348


  • As a quick and dirty test, bump all of the stacks up to 2048 and see if that changes the crash behavior. Remember that there is no protection whatsoever for any variables at runtime. If you fall off the end of an array, stack, etc, you’ll be tromping on your neighboring code/data… with predictably unpredictable results.

  • Also: make sure that you are compiling with optimization set to “Default” initially. I see odd things happening in large programs using calls to CPU() sometimes unless “Default” is selected.

  • You are running out of cogs.

    You periodically start UpdateClock() in a new cog but that sub never terminates. Its stuck in a DO:LOOP forever. Thats one of the problems.

  • I get this feeling that something changed with flexBASIC.

    Back on Feb 01, 2021 I wrote solsta2.bas, which ran flawlessly on whatever version of flexBASIC was at that time. Today, for the heck of it, I compiled and ran solsta2.bas on the latest version of flexBASIC, the program crashed as soon as I typed in setclock. So something is going on, which I cannot get a handle on.

    I will try to isolate the problem somehow, but I am at loss as to how that will be.


  • JRoarkJRoark Posts: 1,215
    edited 2021-10-11 20:51

    Just printout what the CPU(Setclock()) returns for starters.

    You might work on coding style too. Consistency is really key. Have a standard format and stick to it. Some ideas:

    Declare variables in one syntax style only, and put everything together at the top of the file (unless the vars are local to a function/sub), Eg
    Dim a,b,c as ulong
    Dim w,x,y as byte
    Dim s as string

    Use OPTION EXPLICIT at the top to force you to formally declare variables.
    Use an overall template for your programs that will help you to enforce organized code. This is how I do it, in order:
    Compiler stuff first (HEAPSIZE, clkfreq, etc)
    INCLUDEd files
    Class definitions (structs)
    Class assignments
    Module-level variables
    Main body

    Also, dont use SHARED where you dont need it. Anything declared in the top-level can be seen by all of the SUBs/FUNCTIONs in that module unless you override them.

    Adopt naming conventions. I use caps to identify constants, all lower case to show a local variable, etc. Whatever works for you, just make a standard and stick to it. Ideally, anyone should be able to pickup hour code and run with it. See some of JonnyMac’s spincode for good examples of disciplined coding.

    EDIT: Would you post the smartpin and ADC libs you are using? I'm going to play with this a bit and see what I can break. :)

  • I am not making any serious headway on this. I attached the ADC file that I am using, not sure what happened to the DHT file.


  • JRoarkJRoark Posts: 1,215
    edited 2021-10-11 23:05

    I've got your code up and and am looking at it.

    Is there any reason why sub external_sensors() and sub data_log() are running in a different cog? These should be easily called in-line in the same cog everything else is running in. What was the logic of putting them in a different cog?

    EDIT: Too many questions to ask here. PM sent. Call me!
    EDIT2: And... after some mischief and restructuring, it seems to work.

  • As an aside, I have to ask: why do you input the date in ISO 8601 format, but then mangle it into North American format for logging and display?

    I echo the suggestion of consistency, even in the date format.

  • @Rsadeika I don't have a Raspberry PI, or anything connected as an analog signal source, so some mischief has been necessary to debug your code. (I totally mangled your code into something that is now driven by the command line). The BAS file is attached. It works. And it knows about a few commands:

    startlog     Starts logging data
    stoplog      Stops logging data
    setdate      Sets the date. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
    settime      Sets the time. Format: HH:MM:SS
    getdate      Returns the current date
    gettime      Returns the current time
    help (or ?)  Displays this help menu

    Boot this up and play a bit.

    The logging doesn't get its own cog. No need really. I have it so that it logs the analog inputs every second if logging is enabled. Season to taste. I re-directed logging to the console for debugging ease. Easy to change this to a disk file. I also redirected the "command line" input from the RPI to the console as well, so we can "talk" to it over the console. Again, easy to change

    I'm putting this out there mostly as a demonstration program for you. I have no doubt that it doesn't do what you wanted, but I never really understood what this critter was attached to or was designed to do, and I cant replicate your dev environment. All I can see is that your original program logs data to a disk file... and I went from there. All of the basics are here for logging data, changing date/time, turning logging on/off. You can probably fill-in the rest.

    Have fun!

  • Thanks jRoark, I will have a look at what you came up with, later today.

    As for the date format, the csv file that is created is used by my SQLite program. My date format works well with SQLite, although I might have to look into a possible change. I usually go with what works for me.


  • JRoark, I had a quick look at your program, it looks really good, like a finalized product. I picked up on a couple things that you were doing, which I did not think of. Good work.

    My brain works way differently, I start out with a prototyping mind set, I try to create a general functioning program idea, where I have tested all the necessary parts to make sure that everything works, then I go through a gradual finalization process.

    My general setup, I have the P2 Edge connected to my Raspberry Pi 4, I log into the RPi remotely too program the P2, using flexBASIC.

    This session is being held up with to many "wait" interuwill have to finish later.

  • Thanks for the kind words, @Rsadeika It was fun to tweak on this code for a bit. You were pretty well along the path to having this fixed... I just made a few organizational tweaks and cleaned-up the user input side of things.

    So is the RPi is basically acting as a terminal interface for you? In other words, can you eliminate the RPi temporarily until you get the P2 bits working (ie, talk directly to the P2 for dev purposes), and then bring the RPi back into the loop?

  • I noticed that shared is still listed as a keyword, but I do not see any explanation for what it is or does.

    Since I will be running data_log() and external_sensors() in separate cogs, for now, I tested out my idea of using dlc% variable as a global to activate/deactivate a procedure in another cog. It seems that this is my problem, it is freezing up my program when I do this. Not sure of what shared is doing to a variable.


  • Below is my latest idea, I have it set for Full Optimization. The program below runs for about 20 seconds, then I get a crash, as shown below in the propflex terminal window.

    This one is a new one on me.


    ' solsta5.bas
    ' Oct 11, 2021
    ' Compiler directives
    OPTION BASE 0                               'all array indexes start at ZERO, not one.
    OPTION EXPLICIT                         'formal declaration of all vars is required.                        
    ' Constants
    const HEAPSIZE = 8192
    CONST _clkfreq = 180_000_000
    '   CLASSes
    dim rpi as class using "spin/SmartSerial.spin"
    dim adc_ez as class using "jm_analog_in.spin2"
    '   Member Variables
    dim inBuff$ as string
    dim shared tempf1%,tempf#,humid#,humid1%
    dim shared val1#,val2#,val3#,val4#
    dim shared test#,test1#,test2#,test3#,test4#
    dim logFlag as long
    ' Time and date
    dim YYYY, MM, DD, HOURS, MINS, SECS as ulong 
    dim tmpYYYY, tmpMM, tmpDD, tmpHOURS, tmpMINS, tmpSECS as ulong 
    dim s$ as string
    dim date as string
    dim time as string
    ' Stacks
    dim stack_external_sensors(64) as long
    dim stack_updateclock(64) as ulong
    dim stack_dl(64) as long
    ' Misc
    dim cpuID_1, cpuID_2, cpuID_3 as long
    ''Connect to the Raspberry Pi 4
    Open SendRecvDevice(@rpi.tx,@rpi.rx) as #2
    logFlag = FALSE
    '' Filesystem
    mount "/host", _vfs_open_host()
    ' Start new COGs(cpu)
    cpuID_1 = cpu(external_sensors(),@stack_external_sensors(1))
    print #2, "External_sensors running on COG(cpu): "; cpuID_1
    cpuID_2 = cpu(UpdateClock(),@stack_UpdateClock(1)) 
    print #2, "Clock_update running on COG(cpu): "; cpuID_2
    cpuID_3 = cpu(data_log(),@stack_dl(1))
    print #2 "Data_log running on COG(cpu): "; cpuID_3
    '' Main Program loop
    print #2, "Print help for system menu."
        print #2, "> ";
        input #2, inBuff$
        if inBuff$ = "quit" then
        else if inBuff$ = "startlog" then
            logFlag = TRUE
        else if inBuff$ = "stoplog" then
            logFlag = FALSE
        else if inBuff$ = "setdate" then
            input #2, "Enter year, month and day as YYYY-MM-DD ", s$
            s$ = ltrim$(rtrim$(lcase$(s$)))
            if len(s$) <> 10 then
                'date isn't in proper format. squawk about it
                print #2, "Illegal date format: Date should be YYYY-MM-DD!"
                'good date length. process it       
                tmpYYYY = val%(left$(s$, 4))        'extract the year   (range 2000-2040)
                tmpMM = val%(mid$(s$, 6, 2))        'extract the month (range 1-12)
                tmpDD = val%(right$(s$, 2))         'extract the day of month (range 1-31)
                if (InRange(tmpYYYY, 2000, 2040) = FALSE) orelse (InRange(tmpMM, 1, 12) = FALSE) orelse (InRange(tmpDD, 1, 31) = FALSE) then
                    'date input parameter out of bounds
                    print #2, "Invalid YYYY/MM/DD format"
                    'date parameters are good. use them
                    YYYY = tmpYYYY
                    MM = tmpMM
                    DD = tmpDD
                    print #2, "Date has been set to: ";
                    print #2, using "%%/%%/%%%%"; MM; DD; YYYY
                end if
            end if
        else if inBuff$ = "settime" then
            input #2, "Enter time as HH:MM:SS ", s$
            s$ = ltrim$(rtrim$(lcase$(s$)))
            if len(s$) <> 8 then
                'time isn't in proper format. squawk about it
                print #2, "Illegal time format: Should be HH:MM:SS!"
                'good time length. process it       
                tmpHOURS = val%(left$(s$, 2))       'extract hours  (range 0-23)
                tmpMINS = val%(mid$(s$, 4, 2))  'extract minutes (range 0-59)
                tmpSECS = val%(right$(s$, 2))   'extract seconds (range 0-59)
                if (InRange(HOURS, 0, 23) = FALSE) orelse (InRange(MINS, 0, 59) = FALSE) orelse (InRange(SECS, 0, 59) = FALSE) then
                    'time input parameter out of bounds
                    print #2, "Invalid HH:MM:SS format"
                    'time input parameters are good. Use the
                    HOURS = tmpHOURS
                    MINS = tmpMINS
                    SECS = tmpSECS
                    print #2, "Time has been set to ";
                    print #2, using "%%:%%:%%"; HOURS; MINS; SECS
                end if
            end if  
            print #2, "??"
        end if
    print #2, "Program Ended!"
    close #2
    '' Subroutines
    sub external_sensors()
    ' DC power
        adc_ez.start(9, 0, 100)  '' This uses P9
        pausems 250
        test3# = (adc_ez.readit()/1)
        test2# = ((test3# * 3.3)/100)
        val3# = (test2# * 5.25291)
    ' Battery array
        adc_ez.start(8, 0, 100)  '' This uses P9
        pausems 250
        test# = (adc_ez.readit()/1)
        test1# = ((test# * 3.3)/100)
        val1# = (test1# * 5.04597)  
    end sub
    sub data_log()
        if logFlag = TRUE then
            open "/host/"+date+"solsta.csv" for append as #3
            print #3, using "%%/%%/####,"; MM, DD, YYYY;
            print #3, using "##:%%:%%,"; hours, mins, secs;
            print #3, "P1,";
            print #3, val3#
    ' Battery array
            print #3, using "%%/%%/####,"; MM, DD, YYYY;
            print #3, using "##:%%:%%,"; hours, mins, secs;
            print #3, "BA, ";
            print #3, val1#
            close #3
        end if
        pausems 2000
    end sub
    '' Helper subroutine; return number of days in month.
    function daysInMonth() as uinteger
      ' february special case
      if MM = 2 then
        if (YYYY mod 4 = 0) then
          if (YYYY mod 100 <> 0) or (YYYY mod 1000 = 0) then
            return 29
        return 28
      if (MM = 4) or (MM=6) or (MM=9) or (MM=11) return 30
      return 31
    end function
    ' cpu (COG)
    '' Routine to keep the clock up to date.
    sub updateClock()
        dim oldSecs, newSecs as ulong               'locals for timing onset of the next second
        oldSecs = 0                                     'set a safe default
        newSecs = 0                                     'set a safe default
            newSecs = getSec()                      'retrieve the count of seconds since the system was booted.
            if newSecs > oldSecs then               'we added a second. process this
                SECS = SECS + 1                     'add to the seconds counter
                if (SECS > 59) then                 'when we hit 60, wrap it and incr minutes
                    SECS = 0                                '   reset seconds
                    MINS = MINS + 1                 '   add to the minutes counter
                    if (MINS > 59) then             'when we hit 60, wrap it and incr hours
                        MINS = 0                            '   reset minutes
                        HOURS = HOURS + 1               '   add to the hours counter
                    if (HOURS > 23) then            'when we hit 24, wrap it and incr days
                        HOURS = 0                   '   reset hours
                        DD = DD + 1                 '   add to the days counter
                        end if
                end if
                end if
            'intelligently increment the month counter based on the number of days
            'in the month. Length of months are fixed except for February, which 
            'varies from 28 to 29 according to the Leap Year schedule
                if (DD > daysInMonth()) then        'when we hit the max day of this month...
                    DD = 1                              '   reset day of month
                    MM = MM + 1                         '   add to the month counter
                    if (MM > 12) then                   'when we hit 13, wrap it and incr months
                        MM = 1                          '   reset month
                        YYYY = YYYY + 1             '   add to the year counter
                    end if  
                end if
                oldSecs = newSecs                       'save the new seconds value
            end if
        loop            '[- loop forever
    end sub
    FUNCTION InRange(myVar as any, myMin as any, myMax as any) as long
    ' trivial generic function that returns TRUE if MYVAR is within the range specified by
    ' and including the values in MYMIN and MYMAX.  
        if myVar >= myMin andalso myVar <= myMax then
            return TRUE
            return FALSE
        end if

    flexprop terminal

    ( Entering terminal mode.  Press Ctrl-] or Ctrl-Z to exit. )
    fidstat(/home/pi/programs/flexprop/flexbasic/solsta5/./solsta.csv) failed
                                                                             stat after create on /home/pi/programs/flexprop/flexbasic/solsta5/./solsta.csv failed
                                                                                  attempt by user to open dir 17
                                fidstat(/home/pi/programs/flexprop/flexbasic/solsta5/./solsta.csv) failed
                         stat after create on /home/pi/programs/flexprop/flexbasic/solsta5/./solsta.csv failed
  • JRoarkJRoark Posts: 1,215
    edited 2021-10-12 21:45

    @Rsadeika You probably noticed that I put external_sensors() into its own cog, and that it calls data_log() as a SUB. IMHO, this is the way it should be. Data_log() shouldn't be in it's own cog. The only time data_log() runs is when it is triggered by external_sensors(), and there isn't any reason to spend a cog on this. Nothing here is happening quickly or trying to track a fast external event. So I'd seriously consider rolling data_log() inline right into external_sensors() since they are so tightly coupled. Just make it simple, linear code. Decoupling these two SUBs just invites error.

    In the code I posted there are only three cogs total running, and even this is fairly wasteful:
    - cog0: main body code
    - cog1: external_sensors()
    - cog2: updateClock()

    You could save a cog by rolling updateClock() into the external_sensors() sub without much trouble. Just fire it off the same timer tick (from GetSec()) that triggers the ADC operations and Bob's yer uncle. If you really wanted to flatten it down to a single cog, you could do it as long as you got away from using INPUT and build a buffer manually using rapid calls to _rxraw() from the C library.

    As to SHARED, take a hard look at the FlexBASIC docs. The explanation you seek starts at the bottom of page 11, and continues onto page 12. There is even some example code to play with. But all that being said, there isn't any reason to use SHARED in your solsta5.bas code. Normal member variables can do it all.

  • I sure am missing an index, as the FlexBASIC Language Reference starts to get bigger and bigger.

    I guess I will have to see what I can come up by placing the data_log() into external_sensors(). This will probably change my vision of the program somewhat.


  • @Rsadeika said:
    I sure am missing an index, as the FlexBASIC Language Reference starts to get bigger and bigger.

    I use the pdf version and do a word search, but you can also just click on the items in the table of contents.

    I guess I will have to see what I can come up by placing the data_log() into external_sensors(). This will probably change my vision of the program somewhat.

    See my code. It calls data_log() as a sub. Just delete that one line and copy-paste the contents of data_log() right to there. Note this is really just semantics. The compiler will produce mostly the same code anyway, albeit there is a small overhead in any call to a sub/function that will be eliminated by in-lining.

  • JRoarkJRoark Posts: 1,215
    edited 2021-10-13 15:52

    @Rsadeika I cut-and-pasted your code from #15 and modified it just enough so I can get feedback to see that it is running. It has been running for two hours here. All of the cogs are doing their thing. This is all on the RPi end. Since I don't have any way to debug that, I'm sorta out of help options.

    Parting thought: If you want to put the logged data on the P2 you can do that just by changing the MOUNT and OPEN arguments to use the P2 SD card.

    Edited to add: Your code doesn't do any error checking during the MOUNT, OPENs or PRINTs, which means if anything gets broken in the file system, the code will crash. You might take a peek at CATCH/TRY to cure this issue and allow errors to be handled gracefully.

  • I think I narrowed down the problem. It looks like flexBASIC is having problems with jm_analog_in.spin2. Everything compiles, without errors, so I cannot be sure about my assumption.

    When I run jm_analog_in.spin2, as a simple sub, it hangs, meaning it is waiting for some input of a value, which it is not receiving. Because this particular program uses the smart pin functionality. I guess Eric will have to verify this.


  • Are you using the current compiler version?

  • Yes, version 5.9.3. I believe I just did an update, last week, I believe.


  • I think I am starting to have hardware problems, not sure if it is my P2 Edge, or something else.

    Has anybody created a diagnostic program for checking the functionality of the P2 Edge card? Is that even possible.


  • JRoarkJRoark Posts: 1,215
    edited 2021-10-14 16:39

    You might do a quick little program that wiggles each output pin in the 0-59 range every second so you can see (grossly) if anything is stuck. Most everything else gets "proven" by the fact the program runs. Something like:

    dim i as ulong
       for i = 0 to 59
       next i
  • Anybody know what this means:

    ( Entering terminal mode.  Press Ctrl-] or Ctrl-Z to exit. )
    u9fs: short message
                       last unix error: Success

    The program stops, and this message appears. Does this have something to do with 'mount "/host", _vfs_open_host()' function.


  • @Rsadeika said:
    Anybody know what this means:

    ( Entering terminal mode.  Press Ctrl-] or Ctrl-Z to exit. )
    u9fs: short message
                       last unix error: Success

    The program stops, and this message appears. Does this have something to do with 'mount "/host", _vfs_open_host()' function.


    That means that there was a communication problem between the program and loadp2 while doing some kind of file operation. Could there be a problem with the serial connection to your board?

  • I have a connection to a Raspberry Pi, I get the feeling that maybe there is a problem with the RPi not handling the 'mount "/host", _vfs_open_host()' correctly.


  • @Rsadeika Can you temporarily dump the RPi for a full-blown Win or Unix-type box just for troubleshooting?

  • It would not be an apples to apples comparison.

    My setup right now, form the P2 Edge I have a connection to the RPi USB, and I have a connection to the GPIO Tx and Rx pins. There might be something going on with the 'mount "/host", _vfs_open_host()' to the RPi GPIO Tx,Rx. Not sure about that, do not know how to debug that part.

    I was hoping maybe to eliminate the Rpi and have the WiFi module plugged into the P2 Edge, and then be able the have flexBASIC using an ftp style to move a file from the P2 Edge to my Linux server box, or any other machine. Now that would be a very good use of flexBASIC and the P2 Edge.


  • @Rsadeika said:
    I have a connection to a Raspberry Pi, I get the feeling that maybe there is a problem with the RPi not handling the 'mount "/host", _vfs_open_host()' correctly.

    I understand that you have a connection, but the bug seems to indicate that the connection isn't reliable, that some data is being lost between the P2 and the RPi. Can you try a lower baud rate? It could be that the RPi can't keep up.

  • @Rsadeika said:
    It would not be an apples to apples comparison.

    True, but you could at least validate the codebase on the P2 and eliminate it as a problem.

    I was hoping maybe to eliminate the Rpi and have the WiFi module plugged into the P2 Edge, and then be able the have flexBASIC using an ftp style to move a file from the P2 Edge to my Linux server box, or any other machine. Now that would be a very good use of flexBASIC and the P2 Edge.

    I personally think the RPi needs to go. Its sorta in the way. :) You and I may learn the nuances of wireless adapters about the same time since I'm about to start playing with one of these too. I'm hoping to do it all in FlexBASIC.

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