Propeller hats
Buck Rogers
Posts: 2,189
Yesterday whilst on a return trip from a vendor most of us know. Micro Center in Brooklyn NY as it happens. I saw someone wearing a Propeller hat along the lines of the one shown on an avatar one of the group uses. I did not get a chance to ask the person about it. But this tells me that they are indeed out there.
Get yours at Amazon!
As it happens it might have been the same one the guy had on, but the Amazon page also suggested something else I was looking for. A set of braces, suspenders here in the US, and promptly ordered them.
I got one )
FWIW, Google gives a "propeller hat" to all new employees ("Nooglers"), that look like this:
When this conversation got started I was thinking of the original propeller beanie. Especially the one that Hawkeye from MASH wore once or twice. The billed hat with a prop on it, was and still is a different concept.
Tribbles purring but not mascots.
You are thinking of something unbrimmed, like:
A history article: was made out of,it was an enormous hit.
I had a Mattel Beanie Copter when I was a kid.