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using the Propeller tools Software and connecting to Mini Edge, Quickstart, etc. — Parallax Forums

using the Propeller tools Software and connecting to Mini Edge, Quickstart, etc.

I have a new P2 Edge Mini Breakout board. I decided to try to connect to Spin Propeller tool. Initially I got a message stating No propeller 1 found on any serial port com9. I realized I needed power to the board since I am using the Prop Plug. I add power and the p56, p57 LED lite up, I press F7 and it finds propeller 2 rev B/C found on com 9.
its a bit confusing F7 find the prop but download to EEPROM or RAM doesn't work shows propeller not found?
Maybe the 4 dip switch is causing problems or the prop plug ?

I have many questions and I feel like such a dummy because of them. I cant seem to get started!
1. Propeller tools: I have 3 different board I am playing with. 1. (P1) quickStart board #40000 revB 2. (P2) Activity Board WX. 3. (P2) Module/Edge and the Edge mini breakout board.
2. Trying to run all with PROPELLER TOOL Spin.c
a. connection recognizes the board from F7 but not F10 and it always seems to bring up the same program no matter what I do.
b. I open a new window pane and the number is consecutive to the previous I just deleted and I don't know how to name it. It shows up as untitled# I type PUB LED_On_Was and fill in the rest compile and the old file LED_On shows up on the upper most left pane. This takes over and what I just typed with different pin # is ignored or not downloaded. It appears to be a parent file but I want to change to a new one.
What I need is a lesson on just using the software and how to properly navigate to create new projects and how to file them together.
I see PROPELLER TOOLS > Examples + Library>Demo What should go where ?


  • VonSzarvasVonSzarvas Posts: 3,549
    edited 2021-10-03 17:52

    Hi @BorgMech

    One thing to mention that might be a helpful clue.... PropellerTool behaves differently based on the file extension of your spin source code file.

    If the filename ends with .spin, PropellerTool will use Propeller 1 protocol for programming
    If the filename ends with .spin2, PropellerTool will use Propeller 2 protocol.

    If you start a new file in PropellerTool, it would be important to SAVE the file before trying to program the Propeller for the first time. Only one the file is saved will PropellerTool take notice of the file extension, and thus get the protocol right.

    And the DipSwitch... yes, that can cause PropellerTool to fail at programming because there are some configurations of the dipswitch that disable serial programming.

    If you have the last two switches off (those labelled with the P59 arrows) then as I recall you should be fine for programming and running code with F10. To check the right settings, check out the
    DipSwitch table, which among other places will be in the schematic (on the memory tab). You can get the pdf schematic from the P2 Edge product page, under Downloads & Resources.

    (Sorry for not posting it here, but I'm mobile right now :)

  • I just started watching a YouTube video (Propeller 2 Live Forum - Early Adopter Series: Propeller Tool for Windows and Wireless Programming) and I can see that there is another version of Spin or Propeller tools that I don't have because it shown download to Ram. I thought the most recent version would be the top version of software it says (SPIN/PASM for P1/P2)
    I tried following the download instructions on the video but the pager is not found. > software>propeller tool V2.2.0.0 alpha (6/17/20) what software version and where do I find the correct version ?

  • Check this link :

    Close to top-left, there's a download button for the latest version, currently 2.5.3

  • Thank you everyone, I have the newest proper version. I just don't know how to make it work for me the way I expect it to work.

    Anyone have a video on using the software for dummies ?

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