Error when trying to write TAQOZ Reloaded to flash

in Propeller 2
I'm trying to load TAQOZ Reloaded to the flash memory on a P2 Eval Rev B board using MacOS V12.0 and loadp2.
loadp2 -p/dev/cu.usbserial-DN43U4EL @0=/Users/mgreen/Desktop/TAQOZ/flashlod.bin,@8000+/Users/mgreen/Desktop/TAQOZ/taqozfla.bin -t
ERROR: timeout waiting for initial checksum: got -1
Try increasing the FIFO setting if not large enough for your setup
flashlod.bin is P2ES_flashloader.binary and taqozfla.bin is TAQOZ.bin is the flash version of TAQOZ Reloaded.