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How do you set 15K sink Input pin using PASM — Parallax Forums

How do you set 15K sink Input pin using PASM

Using PB/LED Control 64006-ES (PB\LED module) with pins 16-23.
I want to set P21 to a sinking input to use PB with PASM . In spin the following Works:

_clkfreq = 200_000_000
Base_Pin = 16 'Base_Pin for PB/LED Control Board 64006-ES
PUB main()|result0
wrpin (21 , P_LOW_15K) 'select P21 pull-down enable sets pin as a low
pinlow(21) ' activate pin P21 as a low (out high enable off)

How do you do this in PASM? The pinlow command in spin I believe acivates the sink resistor.
I have been trying the following:

_clkfreq = 200_000_000
PUB main()

Dat org 'this means COG ram I believe after stored after spin program
SelectEvent NOP
'( now what to enable sink resistor)
Loop NOP
JMP Loop
ret MOV CARRY,CARRY 'doesn't do anything
CARRY long 0
CodeP_LOW_15K long P_LOW_15K
D_WRPIN long 0
S_WRPIN long 21

regards and thanks
Bob (WRD)


  • JonnyMacJonnyMac Posts: 9,233
    edited 2021-09-24 18:48


                    wrpin     ##P_LOW_15K, BTN
                    drvl      BTN
    check           testp     BTN                           wc
                    drvc      LED
                    jmp       #check
    BTN             long      21
    LED             long      56 

    You can make your posts more readable by putting three back-ticks (on ~ key) on the lines above and below your source code.

  • Jon
    Thanks will try out
    Bob (WRD)

  • According to PASM Instruction SpreadSheet:
    WRPIN D/#,S/# - Set smart pin S/# mode to D/#, ack pin Set mode of smart pins S[10:6]+S[5:0]..S[5:0] to D,
    acknowledge smart pins. Wraps within A/B pins. Prior SETQ overrides S[10:6].

    D = %AAAA_BBBB_FFF_MMMMMMMMMMMMM_TT_SSSSS_0 is the Smart Pin Mode Setting

    Some Questions:

    1) What does S[10:6]+S[5:0]..S[5:0] to D,means? Shouldn't D be D[31:28] +D[27:24]+ D[23:21]+D[20:8]+D[7:6]+D[5:1]+D[0] to match AAAA_BBBB_FFF_MMMMMMMMMMMMM_TT_SSSSS_0 .

    2) ##P_LOW_15K What is ## saying (WRPIN D/#,S/#) D can only hold 9bits

    Regards and Thanks
    Bob (WRD)

  • RaymanRayman Posts: 14,994

    The ## is a shortcut for things like AuGS

    The other is a way to set multiple pins

  • From page 121 of the P2 documentation

  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069

    @JonnyMac said:
    From page 121 of the P2 documentation

    Quick look at this and I thought this was in error (expecting to see AUGD). Then realised what the example meant. Probably docs should be expanded to show what it gets converted to....

      AUGD #($FFFF >>9)
      AND  address,#($FFFF & $1FF)
      AUGD #(far_away >>9)
      DJNZ reg,#(far_away & $1FF)

    Hope I got this correct

  • Cluso99
    AUGS #n Queue #n to be used as upper 23 bits for next #S occurrence, so that the next 9-bit #S will be augmented to 32 bits.
    AUGD #n Queue #n to be used as upper 23 bits for next #D occurrence, so that the next 9-bit #D will be augmented to 32 bits.
    Is Queue a cog embedded CPU register ?
    With reference to "wrpin ##P_LOW_15K, BTN" what code would the compiler generate?
    If it is not a single register can you augment both D and S address "MOV ##D,##S" I think this would be helpful for Notes I am creating.
    Any help would be apreciated.
    Bob (WRD)

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    edited 2021-09-25 01:07

    The hidden Q register is separate from the two AUGx registers. All three are hidden special registers. Yes, both S and D can be extended together. There's some rules around also using ALTx, SETQ, and interrupt blocking.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    edited 2021-09-25 02:19


    • ALTx/SCA/XORO32 instructions have to be hard prefixed. They can only operate on the very next instruction.
    • AUGx normally affects the next instruction but will automatically extend over other AUGx and ALTx.
    • SETQ normally affects the next instruction but will automatically extend over other AUGx and ALTx.
    • Interrupts are postponed during a SETQ or AUGx or ALTx ... any instruction prefixing. Notably also for the duration of a REP loop and all WAITx instructions.
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279

    One side effect is ALTx instructions can't be AUGmented. It's not an issue in practise: D index is always a register and S mode is often a small value or is better off placed in a config register too.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    edited 2021-09-25 02:55

    Those are both AUGS examples because it's the S field operand getting the supplemental extra bits:

      AND  address,##$FFFF
      DJNZ reg,##far_away

    expands to:

      AUGS #($FFFF >>9)
      AND  address,#($FFFF & $1FF)
      AUGS #(far_away >>9)
      DJNZ reg,#(far_away & $1FF)

    EDIT: I've called it "operand" because that'll be where the AUGmentation is occurring, at the input to the ALU. The S field is fixed at 9 bits wide.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    edited 2021-09-25 03:12

    So wrpin ##P_LOW_15K, btn expands to:

        augd  #(P_LOW_15K >>9)
        wrpin  #(P_LOW_15K & $1ff), btn
  • evanh
    Lots of info there will add to my notes.
    Bob (WRD)

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    edited 2021-09-25 03:57

    @"Bob Drury" said:
    WRPIN D/#,S/# - Set smart pin S/# mode to D/#, ack pin Set mode of smart pins S[10:6]+S[5:0]..S[5:0] to D, acknowledge smart pins. Wraps within A/B pins. Prior SETQ overrides S[10:6].

    D = %AAAA_BBBB_FFF_MMMMMMMMMMMMM_TT_SSSSS_0 is the Smart Pin Mode Setting

    Very easy to miss what Chip is saying in his concise descriptions. I've been writing questions for Chip to answer many a time, but when quoting the descriptions in my write-up it suddenly sinks in what he's actually stated. Needless to say I don't then asked the question.

    The key detail above is the opening Set smart pin S/# mode to D/#. Get that clear and the rest flows better. S is just for specifying which pins are written. D is mode being written.

    As for the initially cryptic S[10:6]+S[5:0]..S[5:0], that is precisely defining the encoding for a range of pins. What it says is a pin number range using the lower 6 bits of S operand for the base pin number plus an additional number of pins using bits 6 through 10 of S operand.

    And it's generally written reverse notation like that to match readable big-endian digit ordering. So then digit order doesn't go down the same rabbit-hole as little-endian byte ordering has.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    edited 2021-09-25 04:26

    As for opening question:

        wrpin (21 , P_LOW_15K) 'select P21 pull-down enable sets pin as a low
        pinlow(21) ' activate pin P21 as a low (out high enable off)

    translates to:

        wrpin  ##P_LOW_15K, #21
        drvl  #21
        rdpin  pa, #21
        debug  (udec(pa))
        jmp  #.loop
  • Cluso99Cluso99 Posts: 18,069

    @evanh said:
    Those are both AUGS examples because it's the S field operand getting the supplemental extra bits:

      AND  address,##$FFFF
      DJNZ reg,##far_away

    expands to:

      AUGS #($FFFF >>9)
      AND  address,#($FFFF & $1FF)
      AUGS #(far_away >>9)
      DJNZ reg,#(far_away & $1FF)

    EDIT: I've called it "operand" because that'll be where the AUGmentation is occurring, at the input to the ALU. The S field is fixed at 9 bits wide.

    Of course it’s AUGS, not AUGD. Need more coffee.

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279
    edited 2021-09-25 06:00

    Oops, I got PINREAD() wrong. My inexperience with Spin showing again.

        wrpin  ##P_LOW_15K, #21
        drvl  #21
        mov  pa, #0
        testp  #21  wc
        bitc  pa, #0
        debug  (udec(pa))
        jmp  #.loop
  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279

    Duh! Jon had answered that one already. :/

  • evanh
    For the following code seems to work the
    testp #21 wc
    bitc PinValue,#0
    Debug(udec(PinValue)) gives the status of Button 0 or 1

    This doesn' seem to work
    RDPIN PinValue,#21
    debug(udec(PinValue)) does not give the status of button remains 0

    Does RDPIN only work non logic configured smart pin?
    Regards and Thanks
    Bob (WRD)

  • evanhevanh Posts: 16,279

    Correct. Pin and Smartpin are two different things. They just happen to share IN, OUT, DIR and the config register. RDPIN/RQPIN/WXPIN/WYPIN are all for smartpin access only. WRPIN configures both.

    Have a good look at the I/O block diagram -

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