Obex code downloads.
in Propeller 2
I seem to be thick skulled, but I can not get the code downloaded for all of the OBEX! I have a 500 gb hard drive on my laptop and would like to down load the entire P2 Obex source to a folder (or a USB stick). So far all I manage to get is the read.me.md files! My wi-fi connection at my computer desk is very spotty so I would go to where the connection is solid, download the entire Obex to a folder and be done with it! Any assistance in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
Your'e accessing the source via github, right?
The easiest way to get the entire content is to download the .zip:

But, the preferred way is to use
git clone
of the entire repository:git clone --recursive https://github.com/parallaxinc/propeller.git
Note: I always use the --recursive option just as a habit as some repositories contain sub-modules
When the repository is updated, you'll just
git pull
to get the latest updates!dgately
Thanks that worked!