Saving data when power turned off
in BASIC Stamp
I am building radio repeater equipment based on the Basic Stamp 2pe.
The stamp enables only certain clients to access the repeater depending on the CTCSS or sub-audible tones that are on a list which resides on the stamp and can be modified remotely via DTMF signaling.
Therefore the list can be modified remotely but once the power is removed from the stamp, the exceptions to the modified list are erased.
I need to know of a method to export the data to a PROM or some such thing.
I would appreciate any info regarding such matters.
Thank-you for your time....
You can store stuff in the EEPROM (same place the program is kept). It will survive power cycles.
Look up WRITE and READ in the basic book.
This is how you read and write to the Eeprom on the Bs2
thanks Tom...just needed to know that this was possible.
Thanks Bob for the example... looks like a wee bit of reading is in my future.
Look up EEPROM. It's a type of memory that keeps content safe even when the power is turned off.
You can write data into EEPROM and then when power is restored back, you can read it.
There are safe methods to write into EEPROM without destroying it.
I use a DS1302 time-keeping chip in some of my projects. In addition to the time and date you can store some 30 or so bytes in a scratch pad RAM. This RAM is easy to access and does not wear out, but you need a 3V cell or something like that for power.