CRC8MAXIM (x8 + x5 + x4 + 1) hand calculation doesn't match generated value
in Propeller 2
I may have this wrong but what I understand is that if 4 bytes $77,78,79,7A to get the CRC8Maxim
8 zero bits are added to above bytes $7778797A00 = 513122335232 decimal
I would divide this number by %100110001($131 hex or 305 decimal) CRC8Maxim Divisor
513122335232/305 = 513122335160/305 + 72/305 = 1682368312 + 72/305
or 513122335232 mod 305 = 72 = %1001000 when using the CRC calculator the value is 102 and when using CRCBIT instruction code previously posted using both forms of programs 102 is the result. I would conclude that 102 is correct but why would the manual caculation be wrong. Help!
Bob (WRD)