Is it possible to replace ft232rl over pl2303 ic on same board
in Accessories
I have a pic k 150 programmer, which have serial com chip prolific pl2303hx . this chip is not compatible for window 10 (driver not supported ). I think replace this chip with FTDI FT232rl which is compatible for window 10 . is it possible or not on same board.
Do these drivers not work in Win10?
I've tested PL2303GS using those drivers just fine in Win10, and I think the PL2303HX is also supported. (it is not much older)
Notice that page does mention counterfeit parts problems, so maybe the OP has hit that issue ?
There is a USB driver tool called Zadig which may help you locate the correct driver and load it for windoze. It would be easiest to find the right driver. Otherwise, you could use a USB-serial TTL board and wire the connections to your board, cutting the tracks from your pl2303hx.