Pretty sure you can, but forgot how... Anybody know?
Somehow, there does not seem to be any info on how to do this in the docs...
Initialize the SD card as FAT32 using your favorite utility program
Copy your binary program to the card (root directory) using the name "_BOOT_P2.BIX"
The DIP switches need to be set to boot from the SD card. See the documentation for the P2 you're using.
There is a thread that discusses this fully. See the sticky thread for links.
Initialize the SD card as FAT32 using your favorite utility program
Copy your binary program to the card (root directory) using the name "_BOOT_P2.BIX"
The DIP switches need to be set to boot from the SD card. See the documentation for the P2 you're using.
There is a thread that discusses this fully. See the sticky thread for links.