P2 FlexProp Arduino to P2

I have a few questions about porting an Arduino program to the P2 with FlexProp.
The last C was over 20 years ago
I get an error message at the following point.
typedef struct { int16_t Phase[9]; int16_t Power[9]; } lift_t;
syntax error, unexpected identifier `int16_t'.
const char text[] PROGMEM = "Antrieb 1;" "Bremse 1;" ;
syntax error, unexpected identifier `PROGMEM', expecting ',' or ';'
Add an
include <stdint.h>
PROGMEM places data in the flash memory of the Arduino's AVR processor. Since that's not applicable to P2, you can either just remove it or #define it to nothing (i.e. just
#define PROGMEM
with nothing else on the line)So these files I have thrown out for now because they are not suitable for the P2.
include <avr/io.h>
include "Arduino.h"
include <avr/pgmspace.h>
I hope that the rest is kept within limits.
unexpected identifier `newFrame', expecting '{'
Is there no bool?
If I turn bool into e.g. int_8 there are no problems.
Arduino code is C++, but FlexProp only really supports C (with a tiny bit of C++). If you name your files with a .cc or .cpp extension that will cause the limited extra support for C++ to be active in FlexProp, but be prepared for many things to be missing.
(That said, "bool" should be easy to support in C++ mode, but it isn't right now -- you have to manually add #include <stdbool.h> to the file.)
I've ported several Arduino programs over to FlexProp C.
Here are my notes for converting a Gameduino program:
To convert a GD2 Arduino sketch to GD2MO program:
1. Rename extention from .ino to .c
2. Replace top of file includes (#include <EEPROM.h>, #include <SPI.h>, #include <GD2.h>) with #include GD2MO.h
3. Replace all GD. with nothing
4. "random()" calls with 1 parameter replaced with "random1()". Two parameters --> "random2()"
5. replace empty "draw()" with "draw(0)"
6. replace Vertex2ii() calls with four parameters to Vertex2ii4(), three parameters to Vertex2ii3(), two parameters as is
7. If the assets file has a long filename, may need to write out full filename if using Plan 9 to access host files
8. Delete Arduino things like "static const PROGMEM"
9. Some examples need a file from either uSD (USE_SD defined in Platform.h) or system (USE_HOST defined in Platform.h). File name specified in _assets.h
10. Things like "pgm_read_byte_near(p++);" become "(byte)(p++);"
11. Replace micros with _getus and millis with _getms
12. Comment out Serial.begin(115200);
13. Include "math.h" if things like sin or cos used
14. Define M_PI if needed
15. Classes need to be converted to typedef struct (see FlexSpin C documentation)
Note: Some of the above is specific to Gameduino and not general Arduino...
The above is from a few months ago... These days, I like to include a "Platform.h" file that has most all includes and defines needed. Like the attached.